And here's Adriella's CS: Username: BantlingBee Character Name: Adriella Theray Age: 23 Race: Human Magic: Elemental; specifically Ice Appearance: Unlike her older brother, Adriella is not particularly tall, standing instead at below average height for a woman. She has a graceful figure, slender yet well proportioned. Her hair is a few shades darker than her brother’s--more of an umber than Verdis’s chestnut locks. She often ties it back and away from her face by a leather cord. Her eyes are large and very from smoky-grey to hunter green depending on the light source. They are framed by dark eyelashes and give her face an almost dreamy expression when she is deep in thought. Though not as mercurial as Verdis, she does share her brother’s crooked grin when feeling mischievous or in a particularly good mood. Her features are symmetrical and pretty, and her face has a healthy blush in the cheeks. She usually wears study clothing to protect herself from the frigid air of Galecteo. More specifically, this includes a long tunic-like dress that comes just past her knees. It is usually long-sleeved and made of a thick, high-quality material. Adriella also wears a sort of heavy leather legging. Similar to jodhpurs, they reach to the ankle and feature sturdy reinforced fabric. Her boots are made of dark, semi flexible leather and reach below her knees. Like Verdis, she also has a fur-lined cloak. However, hers is a deep heather gray depicting intricate floral designs in an almost iridescent thread. Personality: Although Adriella is actually younger than Verdis, few would assume so upon first meeting the Theray siblings. Adriella is surprisingly self-assured and confident, though this rarely comes across as arrogance. There is warmth to her disposition, and though more reserved than her older brother, her personality is less polarizing or controversial. Most people feel at ease around her. She has a certain maternal air towards her brothers and those she cares about, which is rather unexpected in someone so young. Given Verdis’ penchant for getting into scrapes, she’s had to develop a more externally pragmatic and logical worldview. She’s actually an artist at her core, and this is reflected in her magic. However, most people don’t see that aspect of her personality unless they really get to know her. Adriella is bright and extremely dedicated to subjects she deems important. While both the Theray siblings are polymaths, Adriella’s approach to her studies is far more academic than Verdis. This dedication has made her skilled at the longbow and with wielding Ice Magic’s various powers. When not studying or practicing, Adriella must find something to occupy her mind. If she is unable to do so, she becomes restless and annoyed. Growing up with three older brothers taught Adriella the importance of standing one’s ground. As a result, she’s courageous and determined. However, these characteristics have decided disadvantages, as they also make her stubborn and somewhat quick-tempered. She has been known to boss Verdis around frequently—something that her brother endures without protest. However, this can make her appear overbearing. This is actually because she believes that no one will take charge if she does not, rather than because she has a particular fondness for being in control. Traits (Fill in the two sections below) Strengths • Extremely skilled in Ice Magic • Good with a longbow • Intelligent • Courageous • Generally makes people feel at ease Weaknesses • Poor sense of spatial awareness (gets lost easily) • Stubbornness • Not particularly good at melee combat such as sword fighting • Becomes restless easily when inactive • Can be overbearing • Often quick tempered Equipment: Adriella usually has her longbow and a quiver of arrows slung over her shoulder. The bow is expertly made, fitting Adriella’s proportions perfectly. The arrows show the same remarkable craftsmanship and their quiver is simple but also well made. She carries a leather pack over her hip. The pack contains a few essentials—a bedroll, some rations, and a few personal items. She also has a small dagger sheathed at her side, though it’s not much more than a glorified pocketknife. Bio: Adriella grew up with three older brothers in a wealthy household. She resisted her mother’s urgings for her to be “a proper young lady” and instead spent most of her time reading, learning her magic, or shooting her bow. She was often found tagging along with her brothers, especially Verdis. Shortly after he took up magic, Adriella decided that she wanted to as well. However, she didn’t want to copy her older brother entirely. The harsh terrain of her homeland, and the versatility of Ice magic were what drew her initially to the discipline. After her father died, she too noticed that Kael had begun to isolate himself from the rest of the family. Neither Kael nor Teoden were magic users, but this had never caused a rift between the siblings during her father’s lifetime. Regardless, Kael had begun to ignore her almost entirely except to suggest possible suitors. Not only did Adriella get the sense that her brother was trying to use her as a commodity, but she also felt that he was trying to get rid of her for some nefarious purpose. She originally confided this to Verdis, but he shook it off as being Adriella’s reluctance to marry. However, all that changed with Teoden confronted Verdis about their eldest brother’s plan. It was Adriella’s idea to head south, particularly since that seemed the least likely place for an Ice magister to flee to. However, Verdis has been navigating since he has a far better sense of direction.