[quote=Scambo] Thanks for the advice Sini :) And you're quite right, but I'd guess anyone in the Reach with two dragons to rub together is getting sloshed on Strongwine or Gold. [/quote] [quote=Sini] House Hightower is the nearest house to the Arbor. A huge amount of traffic between Oldtown and the island, I wager.Also, Scambo, if you want to center images, this is the coding: [center*][*img=xxx][*/center]. I tink you missed a [ or ] there. Remove the *s. [/quote] We should get somethin' written up sometime soon, Scambo! Even work out a history between some of our characters, perhaps? All the Redwyne boys travelled, in their youth. [quote=Ruby] A pirate fleet will be going through the area. So, there's that. [/quote] Pirates, eh? Well, I shall see to it that they're crushed against the banks of the Mander!