Jake Foley Jake listened to Jade it seamed his race idea didn't work but at least they where in different rooms he smiled at her as he said "oh well it would have been fun well maybe next year anyway see you around" he then went to his room to unpack when he got their he saw what appeared to be a pink dragon it realized it was likely someone who could shapeshift meaning it was ever a young girl or a very girly young boy he put on a smile as he said "hello my name is Jake lets be good friends ok" he hat to maintain his cover and the best way to do that it to make himself look like just another dumb friendly kid he then started to unpack and got settled once he was done he sat on his bed and said with a smile "oh i dont think i asked you your name? anyway so what are you going to do tomorrow?" he put on a fake laugh when he said this Betty Ross After getting her key Betty headed to her room to unpack she saw Henlong unpacking his things and just left him to it as she did the same once she was done she simply lay on the bed and took a nap ready to tomorrow Jean Grey Jean waved good bye to Kusuna as she shouted "OK SEE YOU TOMORROW I WILL GIVE YOU THAT TOUR THEN OK WE CAN TALK AS MUCH AS WE WANT THEN" She then went to her room to unpack as she got closer she could smell blood she realized that Ruby's room must be around hear but she hoped she wasn't her roommate as she got closer to her room the smell got stronger Jean shied as she realized this likely meant she was shearing a room with Ruby once their she saw Ruby sitting on her bed Jean simply went to her side and punt up a Psychic between the two half's of the room this would keep out any smells from crossing over into the others sides then she she put up one around the door so the smell of blood would stay in Ruby side of the room once she did that she got out some air spray and sprayed her side of the room after she did that she unpacked and went to bed Viper Blade Viper got her key and went to her room. She unpacked her things, ignoring Rogue, and when she was done, she just laid down and relaxed. Shade Zoldyck Shade listened to Slade he was right they where the same age he then thought about what he said as he unpacked he took out his Katana and put it on the bed anyone who knew about swords world know this was a high quality blade and was worth a fortune it was actually made hundreds of thousands of years ago by man who is skill coincided the beast sword smith in history it was later fortified by magic the spell insured that the sword would never rust and the blade would never get dulled and the steel would never brake he got it from a famous Ninja who he killed a few years back once he was done unpacking he tuned to face Slade "well i like the fact we have a free day today it gives us time to have a look around and get to know the other students" Elsa Snow After Elsa had finished dealing with the asshole that cute guy came up to talk to her as they walked to get their keys she listened to him she was a little surprised he knew her name as she looked to him she said just before they split up "well i guess i dont need to introduce myself any way it is nice meting you but before you go you should know that it can be dangerous being around me people tend to get hurt" She then went to her room and started to unpack and then saw Sekhemi, she simply ignored him while thinking to herself, 'This was going to be interesting.' Luna Kiyiya Once everyone was in their rooms Luna knew it was time to collect everyone's things. Once everyone was in their rooms, she went door to door and collected any swords, necklaces, phones and anything else, as she greeted the students, she greeted them with a friendly hello and announcing his name. She also told them of the school rules and the general boring stuff. Once she was done, she went to her own room and placed all the items away, then relaxed herself.