Hello! First off, I should say a bit about myself. I'm nineteen years old and a college student. I've been roleplaying for five years. I always fade to black when things get too heated. My posts are usually a couple of decently sized paragraphs long. I prefer PM roleplays. I'm online a lot due to classes being over for the semester and a relaxed work schedule. I do all pairing types(MxF, MxM, and FxF). I play both genders equally. What I'm currently interested in trying: Best friends falling for each other Man from my character's past returns to blackmail her and her wife thinks she's cheating on her Soulmate AU Dragon-riders Tutor x Tutored Coach's son falls for a male athlete Performing arts boarding school Made-up band Pandemic Ex-step mother x Ex-step daughter Older woman x Friend's daughter Divergent with OCs Harry Potter with OCs Same-sex couple adopting/taking in foster-kids Terminal illness