Connor slowly strode down the ruined streets. Each step he took, a chunk of asphalt gave way, breaking free of the charred, flooded, road. Surrounding him were warring monsters, crumbling buildings, rioting streets. Connor was beginning to grow tired of the steel and glass structures, the shoddy road, the thousands of creatures fighting for dominance. The sounds of screeches and bloodied cries were beginning to grow dull. He really needed a place to rest, somewhere to get away from all the shouting and the screaming. The blood staining his hands and feet were beginning to dry. He needed to go or he might be driven mad. Far down, past fighting beats and mythical monsters, a forest stood solemnly, down the road ahead. He could see several creatures retreating there, and some already towering above the trees, flying ahead. The things that still retained a sense of morality and intelligence, that weren't rioting. Connor continued on down the forest. Arcing, sharp bolts of lightning swept the sky, piercing through the fluffy clouds. On the way, Connor could hear some visible screaming from under foot. He stopped for a moment. Fresh, wet blood visibly stained his stone foot. He glanced behind him. A couple of feet away, a large blood stain was visible on the concrete. [i]Oh.[/i] Connor thought, staring down at it. [i]Uh oh.[/i] Connor kept traveling down. It seemed to take forever to get to his sole moment of peace in the forest. His bulk weighed him down, making it hard for his smaller feet to pick up the pace. Connor briefly glanced up. A Gryphon soared by, sweeping the sky. His first instinct was to attack it. It was probably attacking him! It could probably do some damage to him. He raised a stone arm into the air, attempting to catch it, but it easily flew by him. "[i]Stupid birds..[/i]" He muttered to himself, before continuing down the roads. So far, everything had seemingly tried to attack him. He had to stay on his guard, or anything could easily set him alight, or bolt him, or drown him with ease. Drowning. Connor shivered at the thought. The things that had shot water at him were the ones he feared most so far. After several minutes of walking, he reached the forest. The wooden, rough trees stood tall, but he stood taller than most. Connor began to walk once again. Connor could hear some shouting, and something that sounded a lot like a.. gunshot? Gunshot? He hadn't seen a creature wielding a gun yet. That could certainly be useful, but he doubted his massive, clumsy stone hands could operate one. Nearby he spotted a massive bronze golem shoving aside trees, his feet causing the ground to shake. Looked like it was causing trouble to some little things on ground level. [i]Not your problem.[/i] He thought to himself. [i]Not your problem. Just someone else's.[/i] Connor briefly glanced at the copper, gleaming golem. [i]And what if it was your ki- someone else in that situation?[/i] He glanced once again, before sighing. He ran at the other humanoid, swinging his stone fist back, before throwing it at the golem.