Name: Tori Stark Alias: Iron Woman or Iron Maiden Age: 20 Parents: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts Look: [img][/img] Costume: [img][/img] Powers: None Skills: Martial Arts, Hand to Hand Combat, Gymnastics Weapons/tools: A suit made by her father Tony Stark before he died. Suit has standard weponry: - J.A.R.V.I.S -Repulsor rays(that are located in the palms), energy based weapons that can repel physical or energy based attacks. -A uni-beam projection gun in the chest plate, which is able to fire a beam of destructive force(more powerful than the repulsor rays). -Extremely powerful pulse bolts, that pick up kinetic energy, meaning the further they travel the more destructive force. -Pulse beams that short out a person's vital signs, putting them in a coma. -Spectacular graviton beams, capable of making a target fly into the atmosphere and then fall back down again. -Laser beams that possess a 1 shot blast cartridge. -A generator in the chest that can shut down electrical devices in a 600 mile radius. -Two generators that can emit bolts of elictricity. -Two rotating energy coated bullet shooters. -Self-destruct devices, located in the gauntlets, boots, chest plate, back, shoulders, and waist with an operator in the helmet. (There is actually alot more...more than i can keep track of so just these.)