There was always one problem with wandering through walls. And as she met eyes with one of the people inside the building, Melody was reminded of that one problem. There were only so many ways that she could handle this situation. The first was to kill them, they were witnesses, but that was a bit extreme. The second was to bribe them to shut their mouths and hope that they were silent until the guards were no longer around. The third was that she could pretend that it was normal. Melody went with the last option. “Well, hello there. I don’t think I’ve seen you around before,” she spoke cheerfully as she walked closer to the girl who was staring at her. --- One second he had been minding his own business, the next he found himself chilling out on the palace floor. Once he was able to orient himself, he gazed bewildered at the person who had interrupted his day. “I’m fine,” Troy attempted to brush the situation. “I was obviously lost in my own world as well.” Taking the hand that was offered him, he stood back on his feet. He brushed his hands over his clothes. Dirt puffed into the air as it was disturbed from its resting spot. And for a moment, he considered using this as an excuse to get out of the heavy robes required of him. Turning his attention back to the blonde, it took a moment before Troy was finally able to place a name, “Liam, right? You’re not hurt are you?”