"Oh good," Mark grumbled as Tanya pointed out the shipping container that would be used in their half baked support mission, "for a second there I was worried this would be easy." --- Mark stood just to the side of the airlock, double checking the calibrations on his rifle and then the seals on his helmet while Tanya gave the briefing. Though it was spur of the moment the plan was simple and a good one, all things considered. The less complicated the plan the less opportunities for failure. Plus, simple plans are easier to remember when you're getting shot at. After a final once over, he placed the helmet on his head and loa idea everything down. It was the armored variant, with only a thin strip of viewable space over the eyes. He usually preferred visibility over protection, but in this case he'd rather take a stray bullet that he didn't see coming than risk suffocating in vacuum because his helmet pane cracked for some reason. Certain now that his equipment was secure, he beckoned the Nova member closest to him so he could double check the seals on their helmet. He gave a quick pat to the shoulder and a thumbs up signaling they were set before turning back to Tanya, who was about ready to go herself. "I'll go in first," he said when the engineer brought it up, "I didn't get to shoot anything back on Khaje." Moments later, the airlock opened and Tanya was floating towards the wrecked ship. Mark's eyes scanned the space before them. It was unlikely that there would be any targets waiting, but you never knew. [i]"Yeah, fuck you too."[/i] Tanya called back as somebody gave her the bird. She have the signal to start making their way over soon after. Mark clipped himself onto the cable and leapt towards the other ship. He'd been in zero G a few times, and decided that the easiest way for him to avoid vertigo was to forget about which way was "supposed" to be up. "Up" just happened to be what was above his head at the time. Seconds later his feet slammed against the battered hull and he quickly unhooked his carabiner from the cable before drawing his rifle and scanning the area for hostiles while Tanya got the hatch open. Mark appreciated her efficiency, the airlock was open in seconds. He made his way over and pointed his rifle inward, checking that the room was clear. [i]"Ladies first."[/i] "Careful there," Mark started dryly as he began to clamber inside, "all that chivalry might make me swoon." Standing up on the proper deck, he made his over to the inner door, hugging it closely as he peered through its small window while the rest of the team filed in and Tanya closed the exterior hatch. Being on point, he decided to take command. "All right, when I open the door I'm gonna take the left. The next person cover right. After that split it fifty fifty, take up positions along the wall and hold there. Don't fire unless you absolutely have to. As far as we know, they have no idea we're here. Let's keep it that way as long as possible. Once the hall is clear, we'll split up. No sense in having everybody pinned down in the same hallway if shit hits the fan. Everybody clear? Good. On my mark." Mark held his rifle to his shoulder with his strong hand while his weak hovered over the door controls. "3... 2... 1... mark." He tapped the control and the airlock hissed open, Mark swiftly stepped out and swiveled to the left, his gun barrel up and sweeping across the hall, ready to blast anything in the way. The direct front was clear so, hugging the wall, he moved down the hallway a few feet to make room for the others before dropping to one one knee with his rifle still up while the team took their positions. At least he hoped they were taking their positions, he wasn't sure how familiar they were with military tactics. All was quiet as the team held their positions and Mark waited to see if any Blood Pack came waltzing around a corner. None did. A few seconds later, Mark decided it was safe enough to move forward, so he got to his feet and turned to address the others. "Ok, we all know the plan, so let's do this quick and clean. Check in over comms every ten minutes so we know everybody is still living and let us know if you find anything, we'll do the same. Sound good?"