It had been a long day of nothing in the camp. To be expected, really. They were just south-east of Solitude, as if those Stormcloak rebels could advance this far. General Tullius had said "You are most prized soldiers. If those rebels were to get through all our other camps, you'll be our last hope. Isn't that a great honour?" While near everyone would just nod and go with it, Rogdul knew better. The majority of them were here because they couldn't be trusted on the frontlines. For many of that majority, rightly so. However Rogdul was back here for different reasons. While he would be put to good use on a battlefield, his talents were with the forge. He made a large amount of armor and weapons for The Legion. And it was a lot easier to craft and send them out if he could do so without interruptions. Most days, the other men of the camp stayed clear of him. Only coming with business-matters, which was fine by Rogdul. It would be a hot day in Skyrim when someone dared call him a people-person. He was running a blade along the grindstone sharpening it for one of the men. How he managed to degrade so fiercely was beyond him. Suddenly a shadow loomed over him causing him to stop. Glancing up to see who interrupted his work he was greeted with the face of Legate Taurinus. Rogdul immediately stood up and saluted the man. "At ease, orc. Your strength has been requested at Castle Dour in Solitude immediately." Rogdul nodded, placing the sword he held onto a rack. By nightfall he was mounted on a horse, all packed and ready to go to the capital. With a kick and a "Hup." He was off. He came riding up to the gates early the next morning with minor hiccups. A few wolves, skeevers and a bear or two was nothing of issue for him. Going through the gates he walked briskly to Castle Dour, nodding a morning to a few people along the way. Coming into the training grounds it was no surprise men were already awake and at practice. There was no time to waste in times like these. He was about to go inside when General Tullius and Legate Rikke came out to greet him. One of two things were happening, he was being sent on an extremely important mission or being discharged. He prayed to Malacath for the former. "Morning soldier," The General spoke in his usual sternness. Rogdul saluted briefly, "Forgive my rudeness General, what is this about?" General Tullius nodded to Rikke, indicating for her to tell. "As I'm sure you know, the Forsworn have returned to Skyrim." Rogdul nodded, anyone this side of Whiterun knew that. The Reach was nearly all but overrun. "Well with our efforts focused on those Stormcloack scum. They've come to the idea that they could take Solitude." She paused letting Rogdul soak in the information. "We will be sending a troop to patrol the Reach-Haafingar border. We have hired someone who has a better knowledge of the terrain and people. You will be taking command." Rogdul bowed, "A great honour, Rikke, General." After telling him to wait for his 'assistant' so-to-speak, the two went back inside. Not wanting to stand around doing nothing, Rogdul went over to the targets and caught up on his archery.