It didn’t take long until Nayash was approached by a well-dressed man and his two guards. She quickly assumed that the man was an elder, or at least a nobel, and stopped to make a discrete bow at his direction. Once the group caught up to her, the man started speaking. He welcomed Nayash and quickly deducted that her origins were the Death Frontier, to which she nodded at to confirm, as the man continued speaking without a break. So she did what she was indirectly asked to do, and followed the man without protest to meet this person called Veragwen. As they walked Nayash couldn’t help but to notice that the amount of injured people seemed to increase as they walked, and she concluded that Veragwen either was a general of some sort, or a healer. Either way she wasn’t supriced over the injured townsfolk, both men and women. With an reward as high as the one stated on the poster, the pest would have to be a difficult one. And unfortunally with high rewards comes high sacrifices, as younger and inexperienced people sought the fortune of a lifetime. And then they reached the medical tent where Veragwen was buissy plastering together one of the injured men. "Veragwen, we have a warrior from the Death Frontier, she's here to help slay the beast. I hope you'll give her as much information as you can." The nobleman/elder said before quickly disappearing before Nayash even had a chance to introduce herself properly, or even ask who he was. “Welcome to Seles, traveler. “ The woman before her said followed by an introduction of herself. One which Nayash thought was unnecessary as the man had already introduced her. Apparently Veragwen noticed that, and assumed that the Elder had said so. “Yes indeed he did. Name’s Nayash, and yes, My origins are in Death Frontier, however I travel from Deningrad in search of someone, someone whom I believe might be taking part in this monster hunt.” She knew that she might have disappointed Veragwen with her news, that she was not there for the beast herself, but rather there for a person. A short pause in the conversation took place, and then Veragwen continued. Nayash wasn’t sure if she had heard her words, and assumed that her concentration was elsewhere, but let her finish the description of the beast, something which might actually become handy if she were to head out into it’s territory to find Illurath. She could tell that there was much sorrow in the womans voice, and it made her cringe a bit. Perhaps she could try to offer her help anyway. However Nayash had to make sure that she was there first hand for Illurath. “I am terribly sorry to say, that I am not here for the reward for the beasts head. I am looking for someone. A dark-hooded man with a unique weapon. To my knowledge, he is the type of man who would seek out a reward and quest like this one… Have you seen someone like him?” She paused. The many injured around her and the womans sad sighs ached in her mind. Even if it wasn’t like her to help other towns than her own, especially when it might hinder her from her own goals, she couldn’t just stand by. Nayash sighed and looked around the tent and the injured, shook her head and then took a deep breath and added “However I might be able to assist you, for as long as I stay here. Perhaps in return you could show me somewhere to rest for the nights?” That was all that Nayash could offer. Her weapon for a place to stay, till she finds Illurath or any hints that Illurath has left Seles.