[center][b]Land of the Chained[/b][/center] Cast -Earl Tyler Taylor, Archetype: Sharpshooter -Dr. Henry Shaw, Archetype: Doctor -Alexandra, Archetype: Indentured Prostitute -Temitope, Archetype: Yorùbá Slave [center][b]Posting Guidelines[/b][/center] 1) Try to stay in 3rd person limited perspective. We can't hear your character's thoughts so show them, don't tell them. There are some exceptions to this rule notably things like dreams and visions. 2) Longer Post =/= Better Post. One paragraph can be completely sufficient depending on the circumstances. 3) If you spot a historical error or anachronism, point it out in OOC, ESPECIALLY if it is mine. No one will be butthurt, we all make mistakes and none of us are history professors. 4) Try to post 1/week bare minimum, more if your character is on centerstage or is involved in a high pace scene, such as a gunfight. 5) If your character is not with the maingroup give your post a time and place header. 6) Sometimes a game bogs down, sometimes players can't get to the next set piece smoothly and quickly, sometimes you just need... a MONTAGE [img]http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Film/Pix/pictures/2009/12/10/1260437446116/Team-America-montage-001.jpg[/img] If the group decides to travel, train, wait or do anything that requires time lapse then anyone can tag the bottom of their post with what I call a Montage Request. Use a syntax like this MONTAGE REQUEST: . For example, MONTAGE REQUEST: TRAVEL TO ATLANTA or MONTAGE REQUEST: HUNT FOR SMALL GAME. Think of it like fast travel in video games. If no one objects to the montage request in the OOC then I will either transition the group to the new time/place or the montage will be interrupted by some kind of [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avKEA8wiPYA]unanticipated encounter[/url]. 7) If you have any question or issue or if you're getting writer's block just ask for help in the OOC, that's what we're here for