Arren grit his teeth as the arrogant mule who entered the kitchen started to fling things around and play with his weapon in the close quarters. What a child. It was so hard not to smack his hands with the wooden spoon and sent him out of the kitchen with the threat of going without dinner. Or just punch him in the gut and toss him out. So many choices... He sneered at the overly enthusiastic man with his arms crossed over his chest, a sharp cold look piercing into the other person. It held all the regal fury of a nobleman with a bad temper and all the poison of the viper he was named after. "Aye...'Demoted'..." he smirked, after the captain left, leering after the sauntering form quiet unabashed. Well, at least the ship had one good thing to keep him in a more pleasant mood. Well, at least for a little while only... Too bad it never seemed to last with his hot temperedness. And bloodlust. Things that never served any noble well. Especially not when- Argh. It was better not to think on it. Deal with one problem at a time. Like the problem of someone riffling through what was now his kitchen and slinging about their weapons as they liked in the close quarters. "How 'bout next time you wish ta' play with toys, you do it outside'a my kitchen?" his soft yet sharp voice hissed, "'Least you'd be likin' more raw onion for meals on th' rest of this trip." He gave him an icy grin and brought his large butcher knife down on the meat next to him, the sound of crushed and slicing flesh as well as cracking bones almost sickening. He hadn't even been looking, but he had cut it perfectly in half with one slam of his blade. Swiftly taking it out he point at the arrogant man. "You're weapons sully my food," he growled, then pointing to the door, "Out." Him and his rapier could kindly stay out of his kitchen. Flinging it around like he was some laird pissed Arren off. And the Viper wasn't known to be friendly with idiots. Well, the bread for the morning was going to taste a bit like onion thanks to his little show, but maybe if they had some rosemary and garlic Arren could cover it up. He didn't care about arrogant men slinging their blades to brag, just as long as it was not in his work area, messing thing up. Vance. Solomon. They could all get along just fine, so'long they stayed out of his damn kitchen. He turned to look at the one who had called himself Caelyn and gave him something that resembled a smile. It was almost friendly, if his face wasn't so naturally cold and hard. Giving him a jerk of his head, which seemed like an acknowledgment of some kind, Arren continued to cut up the meat on the counter. "Thanks mate," his husky soft whispering voice murmured, "Food'll be done soon if nay more igits come bargin' in and messin' around." The Viper obviously did not like crowded small places. Although he was calmly slicing and dicing away, he did seem a bit pale, even for someone with red hair. Making a noise of annoyance he slammed him blade into the meat over and over again, before slamming it into the wood and leaving it jutting in the counter. He gripped his hands which seemed to be trembling slightly. Where was his usual cold calmness? Suppressing things was his talent. So why did it escape him now? Dammit all... He leaned on the counter and let out a small rushed breath. Anger was such a hard thing for him to control. His trigger finger was itching, he lust for a fight boiling up inside him. [i]Save it. No need ta' make people wanna slit yer throat when yer sleepin' even more than they do now...[/i] "Bloody hell," he grumbled, grabbing a black pan and starting to sauté the onions for the meat. A stew of pork, vegetables and potatoes with a side of rosemary bread and apple pastries would have to do for something so short notice. With all his fury working into the pace of how he cooked, delicious smells were soon wafting around the kitchen in no time. Once everything was on a cook space of cooking, Arren leaned back and wiped of his hands. Ah, he felt better... He started peeling more apples for tomorrow's breakfast, slender fingers on the shining blade, letting out a sigh of satisfaction.