[hider=Mitsu] This.. [img=http://rlv.zcache.com/mascara_kakashi_de_anbu_postales-ra41d1c994efe4f9ba62da76979c4e78d_vgbaq_8byvr_512.jpg] Only on this dude.. [img=http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/write.ign.com/23492/2011/12/gen-192x300.jpg] Real Name: Mitsu (no family name) Age: 36 Sex: Male Height: 5’8” Sexuality: Do YOU have detect sexuality on your technique list? :P Character Type: Shinobi - Ranked? Country/Village: Kirigakure Rank: Jounin, now an honorary title as he is officially retired from ninja service after injuries in the line of duty. Division: Diplomatic Corps, previously Medical Corps. Personality: Mitsu is very laid back. His mask gives him an excellent poker face and his body language tells only of a relaxed persona. Mitsu feels little need to prove himself, confident in the man he has become. This is one of the rather few traits he shares with the stereotype of his people’s culture, in that he stubbornly refuses to be drawn into other people’s emotional rhythm. In addition to being relaxed, Mitsu is rather serious in personality. He often considers everything he says carefully and is not prone to flippant speech. He is tactful and obliging but unyielding in his own principles. That said, he is not without humor, as his favored weapon in friendly duels is the bouncy ball. Likely Mitsu’s most defining principle is his pacifism. Mitsu very much prefers not to kill. That is not to say he does not enjoy battle, as he continues to duel with his original sensei to this day. That yearly ritual is one of the few occasions Mitsu will show boyish enthusiasm. However, he much prefers it when it is a game without blood on the line. Mitsu’s signature sword has no sharpened edge or point, Mitsu’s throwing tools are bouncy balls, and all but one Mitsu most advanced Jutsu are shielding and healing techniques. Even his one advanced lethal technique is a technique accidentally discovered while studying healing. Mitsu, throughout his advancement matches to Chuunin and Jounin, absolutely refused to use lethal force despite the extravagant and potentially lethal techniques usually thrown around by most Genin eager to advance. Mitsu, in short, loves peace, but is also harsh and experienced enough to understand the world. He is loyal to his own people and serves their interests above his own, but he would prefer if the countries did not have to engage in the shadow warfare they are frequently forced to. Nindo; “The last cry before eternal silence is the most painful sound.” Clan/Bloodline: Mitsu has no bloodline or clan, but has pioneered an unusual set of techniques. They could be taught to anyone with the necessary bloodline. Jutsu and Techniques: Mitsu was once a master of a variety of Water and Lightning Elemental techniques as befitting a Jounin level ninja, but the loss of his right arm put them beyond his grasp, as he can no longer make the necessary handsigns. However, fortunately, his custom techniques and healing techniques are still available to him, as well as very low level direct manipulation of those elements. Mitsu’s personal technique is a way of imbuing chakra to create “chakra fields” that work similarly to magnetic fields. This allows him to deflect a variety of techniques, as the number of techniques that rely on a movement or flow of chakra is considerable. However, since the loss of his right arm, he is unable to generate these fields quickly enough to intercept most attacks, save through his signature blade and mask. Mitsu was not a primary healer when he initially became a Chuunin, lacking the medical knowledge necessary, growing up in Bikitoshi rather than Shijotoshi. At first, it was likely that he would have been shipped off to the Navy rather than allowed into the Medical Corps. However, he developed a peculiar talent with his chakra feels, and learned how to send forth a self-propagating chakra wave similar to an EM Wave that loses very little energy when it travels. Combined with the knowledge of healing he did have, Mitsu developed a long-range healing technique. Mitsu is able to boost and replenish the vitality and chakra of others without actually touching them as long as he has line of effect with no walls of dense chakra between them. This healing only boosts the natural regeneration of the body and will not handle serious wounds on its own. This was useful in the field as the team cannot always reach who they need to heal immediately. Mitsu’s ability allowed him to revitalize casualties for long enough for the team to reach them safely and actually stabilize them. It was also useful to boost the chakra of the primary healer in the team in case a particularly loss filled battle had drained their chakra reservoirs. The rest of the time, he performed as an additional guard member to protect the medic squad. Since then, he has mastered a Jounin level of medical techniques, especially during his time as a diplomat, relieved of his duties and need to continue studying his no longer usable water and lightning elemental techniques. This has afforded him the use of a singularly lethal technique Mitsu is not fond of. There are certain moments in the heart’s rhythm of beats where it is extraordinarily vulnerable to shock, a tiny window measured in milliseconds. If struck during this part of the hearts cycle, it induces immediate cardiac arrest even without significant trauma. While the heart has not suffered significant damage and can be easily restarted, most people cannot do this on themselves while their heart isn’t beating. Mitsu’s mastery of healing techniques and chakra fields allows him to detect these windows and disrupt both the flow of blood and chakra through the heart with one well timed touch. However, if the slightest disruption to his attack happens, it will through off his timing and cause the attack to do almost nothing. One other highly useful technique is his ability to use his self-propagating chakra wave to send messages, as it’s a rather absurdly useful ability to be able to send tight band communications with your mind when you are a diplomat. Unfortunately, the communication is one way. Weapons/Artifacts: Moonlit Wave: Moonlit Wave is a katana of middling length. Its craftsmanship is fair, but not excellent, as it was forged by Mitsu himself, and while the folding of steel was taught to him by his sensei, he did not have the same knack for it as his master. It is dull, the edge never sharpened. This is the third Moonlit Wave, forged after his retirement after the incident which broke both the second Moonlit Wave and his right arm. The primary boon of this sword is that Mitsu can flow his chakra through this blade, amplifying his chakra field technique. When he swings this blade, he can create a chakra field pointing in that direction of strong enough intensity to deflect even a potent Jounin level technique. Presuming that technique relies on a movement or flow of chakra, rather than a mundane projectile created and imbued with velocity via chakra. Mask of the Fox: This is kiri-style ANBU-esque mask that constantly generates a chakra field around Mitsu’s eyes and ears. This is able to interfere with many visual or audible type Genjutsu. However, unless Mitsu spends chakra actively to ramp up the field, high level Genjutsu might penetrate through brute force, though likely warped. Note that the rest of his uniform is rather un-ANBU style, thus making confusing him for one unlikely. [/hider] WIP parts: Fleshing out old sensei swordsmith/swordsman NPC Last minute checks of spelling/grammar Formalizing his techniques into jutsu. But the principles and mechanics are all there. Apparently a diplomat won't have anything to do in the story according to Taylor, so new character concept will be needed, to redo the whole along those lines.