[B] No Touch NPCs [/B] [Center][b]Will "Red Death" Carabis[/b][/center] [Center][b]Age:[/b] 27 [B]Gender:[/b] Male [img] http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1033415-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] [B]Position:[/b] Captain of the Bloody Barrel and the Red pirates. [B]Personality:[/b] Whether he has some hidden emotional secrets or not, Carabis has a high superiority complex. He doesn't think he's better than everyone, he knows he is. Will is not only a flirt, but he's a manipulator as well. Everyone that is in his crew owe something to him whether it's an impossible debt or their life. In a sense, they sold their soul to him. This pirate cares for no one that holds know value to him. Carabis will kill without a second thought... that includes cute puppies and babies. Not saying he ever shot a baby. Despite all of this, he cares for his crew- for selfish reasons. They do owe him stuff after all. But he won't hesitate to kill someone that threatens or harms his crew members. He has a very jolly and mocking personality, speaking informally with most people as if they are close friends and often using nicknames. Although Will enjoys conflict, he usually stays out of it, preferring to observe the fight instead of directly taking part in it. He does this to find the opponent's weakness. Special Skill: Will is an observer. His keen eye spots weakness and opportunity. It's rare that one sees him in a brawl, unless it's something major like a Captain vs. Captain fight. He is also a trickster and defies the laws of "cheaters never win". This is proven by the many Davy Back Fights he has won in order to strengthen his crew. With each fight he won, he gained another flock of crew members. Currently, the Red Pirates have three ships in command. He earned the name Red Death not only due to his bright red hair, but also because of his unnatural speed. A skilled swordsman, Carabis is extraordinarily light on his toes. So, as he rushes to his opponent, if they're unlucky, all they see is a red blur as they are killed. [B]History:[/b] "Wouldn't you like to know." [???] (All will be revealed) [B]Why did you become a pirate:[/b] "Because being a pirate is symbolism of conquer. I'm going to conquer the seas and be the strongest there is. Along with being the richest. Wealth and power is what gets you to the top in this world."[/center] --- [Center][b]Stella Flor[/b][/center] [Img] http://media.animevice.com/uploads/2/25664/467937-shot0110.jpg[/img] She'll always wear something fairly provocative as well. Miss Flor is the sniper of the Red pirates. She's is a flirtatious and mildly inappropriate woman, making dirty jokes or innuendos. She tries to get the attention of her captain, but Carabis has turned her down more often than once. Occasionally, she'll play the helpless damsel card because she loves the attention she gets when she's helped. She'll lure men with her seductive traits and end up stabbing them. She's often seen in revealing clothing unless it's cold, and her mark of the Red pirates is her red bandage that goes from her left thigh to her ankle. --- [Center][b]Rin Goodwin[/b][/center] [Img] http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/768368-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] Goodwin is the First mate. He's the person everyone goes to when the Captain is away. He is the true definition of a first class first mate. Rin makes sure he is up to date with everything, informing the captain of the latest news whether it be with the government, or any activity on an island. Just like his captain, he observes his prey in order to take them down. The one difference between them is that Rin has a short temper and won't hesitate to kill someone if they annoy him. He is pretty quiet around new people, but around his crew one will hear him having conversations or yelling at crewmates.