"No worries" Nayash answered and nodded. "Life is a precious thing indeed. Its a shame that greed makes the people throw it away." She was ofcourse reffering to the less experienced hunters who had joined the battle versus the beast. "Okay, that sounds alright. I appreciate you keeping an eye open for him. One more thing, if you hear talk about an Illurath, would you notify me?" Nayash waited patiently and glanced once more at her surroundings, wondering where she could start then offered:"Oh, and if you need any help here in town, now, I could offer my hand with that while I try to gather some more information on my own.". She was thinking about dumping her gear somewhere, perhaps at Veragwens home, to then look around the town for any information she could find about Illurath or a dark hooded traveler. Perhaps some more information about the beasts whereabouts and then gather some supplies of her own. Food, water and a bottle of mead perhaps. She had, after all traveled far, and her body needed some rest before she were to head off into battle.