Ah. There they were. A hulking brute with a massive sword, a child-sized guy with a sword that probably seemed massive to him, and a... whoa. Was that an elf? And a FEMALE!? How the heck did a girl elf get in here? She was easily the first female he'd seen since getting dropped here, and also the first elf he'd ever laid eyes on, outside of videogames and movies at least. And [i]dayum[/i] was she hot. She wore some light yet practical armor, the practical part of which seemed odd to him, yet it did little to hide the wonders of her figure. Fiery red hair and a face that would fit on an angel, a bosom that would be the envy of any supermodel, a lithe and supple figure that was only accentuated by the swell of her hips and [i]my god! Those legs![/i] What a pair of legs she had. He'd never seen such long, slender legs before, yet taught with the strength of well-trained muscles. She was quite simply the most angelic being he'd ever beheld. Well... Apart from the general feel of vicious hatred she was exuding, but he was willing to look past that. Then she went and had to stand on the directly wrong side of the statue thing, and David harrumphed his annoyance and stepped to his left to get a better view. The sword swipe he'd been too busy to notice slammed into the floor next to his left foot at the same instant and startled him out of his admirations. He instinctively jumped back a step and a half, just about running into one of the support posts on his left. "What the hell man! Can't you see I wasn't ready!?" Thank god for good luck.