Hey guys! This is my CS. [hider=Crow] Appearance: [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/200/8/0/A_Raven__s_Dream_by_xxchange.jpg] Werewolf Appearance: [img=http://werewolfcalendar.com/wp/wp-content/galleries/2014-gallery/2621_900.jpg] Full Name: Crow Age:24 (looks younger due to aging differences amongst werewolves and humans) Gender: Female Species: Werewolf, Turned Control over Transformation: When calm, Crow can control her transformations to the beast form and back with ease, allowing her forest blood to run rampant through body and brain and transform her into a creature far beyond these other creatures. However, when her temper or other emotional states reign rampant at their extremes, she is prone to switching unexpectedly into either shape. Furthermore, there are some times when she simply changes without whim of why it occurs... though she cannot predict the exact time it will happen, she can feel the tension rising, causing noticeable changing of her hair length at these times: her handlers have learned to recognize this, imprisoning her during these naturally rampant periods of change. Significant/Special Belongings: ALL of her Animals (see job description.) Fighting Skills/Techniques: When human, Crow has been able to use knives and martial arts to her advantage, using her superior speed and hidden bestial strength to gain the upper hand in a most animalistic fashion. When in her beast form, Crow sheds tact and maneuverability for strength and durability, relying on claws, teeth, and superior strength to attack in a more brutish form, nearly impossible to overpower by any mortal means. Weapon of Choice: Knives, Claws Job Title & Description: Crow serves two sorts of jobs: “shadow” jobs and “spotlight” jobs. Her spotlight jobs are those that have her deal with the visitors to the elaborate circus. As a human, she is a beast trainer, dealing with both large animals like chimeras, lions, and leopards for large performances, and small animals such as ferrets, mice, cats, and brightly colored birds for children. Though the larger shows are to build up fame, the smaller shows are where she acquires many of her acquired souls, exciting the young children enough to place runes when offering an animal to hold, per say. Whether or not she is within a large show, small show, or simply walking around, she nearly always has a smaller animal hiding in her garments. However, in the instances that she is identified to transform, Crow becomes an exhibit herself, a captured monster, shown off to the public as if an animal. Her job is to look frightening and worthy of attention, though hold onto her rage enough as to not harm anyone. She is thoroughly embarrassed and humiliated by this portion of her job, which often causes her to have a shorter temper, which therefore causes her to be trapped in the state for longer. Her shadow jobs, on the other hand, are those seen outside the public eye. As a werewolf, Crow has adapted herself to the aspect of the hunt, making her very useful in the prospect of hunting down specific souls. In both human form and beast form (though much more in beast form), Crow is skilled at identification of, use of equipment relating to the capture of, tracking of, and capturing of souls. Her beast skills are also occasionally used as an ace up Mr. De' Seil's sleeve, as sometimes a city ravaged by a monster will be much more...wishful. Number of Souls You Have to Collect: 120,352 Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: Till the end of her life What Was Your Wish? To become so powerful, no-one could harm her again How Many Souls Have You Collected? 873 How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? 6 years How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? The collection of souls has made Crow internally volatile when alone, as she thinks about the deeds she has committed and consequences that she has had to face. Personality: Crow is neither innately bright and happy or sad and sullen, choosing to stay at an even point between. To an audience she is warm and inviting, especially to kids, though when left in her room or too small of an area she can become easily distressed. Though she will actively engage with those who speak with her, she doesn't feel a connection to anyone of a humanlike skin; on the other hand, she forms very strong bonds with trolls and animals of all forms, as she is able to understand them in a way few others can or try. The creatures she keeps with her are her closest thing to family: the fastest way to anger Crow is to hurt one of her nonhuman companions. What she hates, on the other hand, are most pureblood humans, based on the treatment she receives as an exhibit for the audiences. It is this hatred that allows her to both slaughter human villages at a mere command or place runes on the spawn of their kin. Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?: Crow was not always once called Crow; once, she was a beautiful, prestigious girl called Aria Evere, the daughter of a wealthy man and the inheritor of a large sum of money. However, as such an individual, Aria was wanted by men for far more than her personality: the males that sought her presence usually wanted no more than to get close to her father. Heartbreaks she became used to as time passed in the Evere household, but, on one fateful day, she was kidnapped and held for ransom, a massive fee that her father refused to pay for 3 months. In that time, Aria was a mere possession for her owners, a sexual toy, a subject of physical abuse, a form of entertainment. When she returned to her father's grasp, Aria was a changed woman. She was quiet, introverted, a mere shell of who she once was. When her father, desperately trying to bring life into her corpse-like person, brought her to see the great De' Seil Carnival, she met her luck in the hands of the owner. “I wish I was strong enough to stop anyone from taking advantage of me ever again,” she wished, and, certainly, that wish was granted, for a mere assistance of De' Seil's goals in a way she would soon be able to provide. She was offered a crimson drink that she readily devoured, as she heard the words “be careful what you wish for...” After guzzling the drink, her vision became inundated with that same crimson, forcing her unconscious. When she woke, the circus was on the move, and her brain filled with thoughts foreign to her human brain. A full week was spent in a half coma, her body unsuccessfully trying to fend off the werewolf blood concoction, dreaming of a place in a pack far away. When she woke, she fully believed her dream, thinking she was truly a born werewolf called Crow, and losing all former memories. However, these memories sometimes resurface in dreams or odd circumstances, as part of the conscience that plagues her mind, though she will deny any veteran's mention of her past as fiction. In fact, sometimes she believes that she is near this fictional pack, and has run off twice, which added two accounts of 10000 additional souls to her debt. [I] sugary poison [/I] [/hider]