Hearing a voice from somewhere, Nero poked his head out from the back. Had somebody come in already? He looked toward the front in search of the voice's owner and saw the other neko there. "The Striped Scarf? Oh, yes. I'll be right back." Rushing back to the kitchen, he began wrapping up the freshly baked loaves he had just set aside a little more than a few minutes ago. Thank goodness, that was good timing. As he finished packing up the bread for the waiting customer, he could hear small footsteps on the stairs. He turned his head to see Alex on his way down, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Good morning!" Breakfast is on the table over there. I'll get you something to drink in a minute." Leaving the younger boy at the table, he brought the bread out to the counter. "Here you go! It's still warm, too."