Torva scanned the crowd as the announcer explained the rules. The vast majority of attendees, as to be expected, were seraphim. Men and women of all shapes and sizes with wings as white as snow and black as coal. Little children ran up and down the aisles giggling, and every gust of wind blew feathers into the air that twisted and swirled out of the stadium like flurries in a snowstorm. Of the many thousands in attendance, only maybe one or two dozen were non-seraphim by Torva's count, discounting those with their wings likely covered or bound. Of those, most were human, but the wolf's keen eyes spotted one or two other daeva hiding amidst the crowd, blending in thanks to their ability to transform fully. If not for fanged teeth or patches of fuzz behind their slightly pointed ears they would have fit in perfectly with the human attendees, and Torva found himself jealous of how easily they fit in, his hand reaching down and touching the enchanted bracelet in his pocket unconsciously. Making a note to mention them later, Torva's attention was turned next towards a massive gate opening at one end of the Colosseum. The opening ceremonies concluded, a veritable army of craftsman, iron workers, and mages poured out, some sprinting towards their workbenches while other casually strolled along eying up the competition. Even Cadogan was lost to the crowd, and if not for Chii standing out like a beacon in the night, Torva might have had trouble spotting him. Chii's tiny tail swished as she followed Cadogan, following his instructions while assisting in the first round. Chants broke out once again across the stadium, the favored winners' cheer squads waving banners and shouting obscenities at the competition. Although Torva had grown up around more vulgar language, to see the seraphim people acting so was almost... relieving. “Huh, I guess they're not so different after all” he said to nobody in particular, his words lost among the screams around him. It felt good to be anonymous, if only slightly, and Torva certainly appreciated the crowd far more than that of Dumont. The constant shouting and cheers was like a white noise, drowning out Torva's ability to discern one voice from another, and his nose was nearly overwhelmed with the smells of hot meats, baked goods, scented oils, and burning irons. He grabbed a handful of Hagumi's hair and, being careful not to pull, brought it to his nose and breathed in, closing his eyes. The familiar scent helped Torva adjust his senses, blocking out the more obnoxious scents and sounds one by one until he could once again form coherent thoughts. “I'm probably the only one here who appreciates how amazing you smell right now” he said to Hagumi, wrapping one arm around her. “Have you found Cadogan yet? He's right there” Torva gestured, bringing himself cheek to cheek with the seraphim to guide her. “It's amazing, all these strange and inventive weapons. I'd hate to be on the pointy end of most of these” Torva half-shouted to Hagumi. “I really hope the council makes the right decision tomorrow, or I might just find out. More importantly, you're more familiar with seraphim culture than I am” he said, quickly changing the subject, “what are Cadogan's odds of actually winning?”