I didn't include gemcat because he hasn't posted in 1 month. Image URL is http://i.imgur.com/lvjasbr.jpg?2?5880 [img=http://i.imgur.com/lvjasbr.jpg?2?5880] [hider=Accepted nations] The Great Spirit of the Azera: Green nation to the north(Edgeworth) Steam Collation: Grey nation on the west coast(HounderHowl) United Clans of Dorgag-Hokgurg-Qaudrod: Dark Blue(Titanic) Irodein Empire: Black nation in the southeast(eemmtt) Nuaran: Orange nation on northwestern island(DragonRuby) The Goblin Territories; The Confederation of Clans: Blue nation(Meeky) Orsini: Small Brown circle(HazmatMedic) The Theological Empire of Stellata: Dark Red nation(Missy) Halkirk: Red Islands(Mouseking) [/hider] Jarey hasn't posted here much and I can't find a NS. Hounder should open up the purple region and ask if jarey and dawnstar if they are still in the RP.