Alright, excellent so far, You're getting it. Unfortunately, Moros is a Persona already used. ...In a game, yes, but since this is technically taking place between 3 and 4 canonically wise, one cannot have a Persona belonging to someone else. Fortunately for you, however, The Hermit was only used once for a character. So that means all other possible Personae (Save of course the ones used by others in this RP) is available for use. So I'd like you to try one more time with the Persona. I should also note that you don't HAVE to necessarily use the Personae on the lists. If you can think of a Mythological deity or figure that are hermits by nature or exist and work behind the shadows, (And are not of any other Arcana like Devil or Death) then you can use them. But if you can't think of one with absolute certainty, I seriously would recommend finding one on the list besides Moros. BTW: I stated on the rules I believe, but since there is no Calendar or Social Link system there is NO reason any arcana can't have more than one person represent it. ...Except Fool, Jester, Lust, and World of course. In other words, Don't worry about the fact someone else is using it.