Ethan had already opened the tattoo shop as the time read 10:00am and his first client was due in any minute now. When the shop phone rang he was half expecting it to be either an cancellation or a bew booking. Walking over from his work station, he picked up the phone "drake tattoo. Ethan here," he answered it not expecting the caller to be Dean. -------------------------------- Mika, due to her very late arrival back at the apartment above the shop, was still in bed only just stirring awake. Like most of her nights, they were restless and fuelled with night terrors and cold sweats. Ethan dealt with her so well but she felt guilty for bringing her messed up life and situation into his own world of normality. She still felt bad for walking out on Dean last night, but every bone in her body was stopping her from just coming clean to him. Her head was ruling her heart. Yet she still hoped for the day that Dean would figure out her truth. Sighing, she got out of bed, wrapping a bedsheet around herself and headed to the kitchen, where she made herself breakfast. After all, she wasn't expecting Dean to call after her.....