Gonna make a little CS for Truth cause she's kind of gonna be important to Sybil's development. [hider=Truth] [center] [img=https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-m1FjjNfuzuo/T0z3MPMXVlI/AAAAAAAAL2Y/zasILnoKdlI/w640-h400-p-k/%22Red-Riding-Hood%22+2011+-+(c)+-+Jon+Cassill,+NY,+US,+Model-+Rebekah+Corey.jpg] Name: Truth Barwicke Age: 23 Description: Light brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin. Very thin and fairly pretty. Loves to wear a particularly long shawl along with her maiden outfit, it is deep blue in color and hooded, and is very easy to point out in a crowd. Personality: Outgoing, honest, and somewhat restrained, Truth is well known around town for her outrageous gossip and cheerfulness. While she must appear polite around elders, when with friends or her sister it is quite obvious that she is anything but. Easily frustrated, it's best to stay on her good side, and when she is angry it will be shown through unlady-like speech and stomping. Open and honest about everything, Truth will not shut up about how much she hates her parents and the boys of the village and the religion the are forced to follow, much to her sister's dismay. Also kind of dim-witted, and will at times ask stupid question. But in the end, the best word to describ Truth is sisterly. She cares for those worth caring about and will not leave anyone in need.[/center][/hider]