Cy took off her hat and shook out short, curly black hair that ruffled over her ears and her green eyes. "So, are we going to go bust this dude out? I figure we should-- if HYDRA's torturing him, he might be amenable to our cause. And hey-- a god on our side? We could definitely use that, right?" She thought for a moment; then something that Anna had said clicked. "Hey, hey, wait-- if HYDRA's using the old SHIELD H.Q., do we have the schematics? We could look for a quick way in from there, and hit them from the ventilation shafts." "Where'd you get the brat, Wilson?" A voice asked from the front seat. It was the driver, Arc. He was a big, heavy-set man, incredibly strong. He was one of the last SHIELD members; he'd joined young and had stayed in for years. Even when HYDRA had taken over, he'd gone into hiding, just so he could keep at his job. They were coming up on the new H.Q., a smaller version of the original, kept far away from the old. "Is this...?" Cy cut off her own question and shut her mouth as they passed into a long, dark tunnel. Lights came on, blinding lights, and she shut her eyes against them. The SUV pulled farther into the secret base, eventually stopping on a large dias lit by floodlights. Arc leaned back to see Cy. "This is Headquarters. Welcome aboard, brat." He moved to ruffle her hair; Cy snapped playfully at him. He grinned. He liked this girl.