[hider=Elora Nicholi][center][b][i]Name :[/i][/b] Elora Nicholi [b][i]Nicknames :[/i][/b] [b][i]Gender :[/b][/i] Female [i][b]Age and birthday :[/b][/i] 18 years old, born on the 16th of Februari, 1284 [i][b]Origin :[/b][/i] Lives in Deliar; Elora is born to Edlund and Edna Nicholi, clothe merchants [i][b]Length and build :[/b][/i] 5’11 feet tall and is a little overweight [i][b]Weight :[/b][/i] 182 lbs. [i][b]Sexuality :[/b][/i] Demisexual [/center] ------------------------ [center] [i][b]Appearances :[/b][/i] [img] http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/79/640x940_13928_Nelisande_2d_fantasy_girl_woman_portrait_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [/center] ------------------------ [center] [i][b]Occupation :[/b][/i] Clothe merchant [i][b]Favorite phrase/saying :[/b][/i] [i]“The hardest thing to distinguish…is the line between honesty and cruelty.”[/i] [i][b]Favorite Food :[/b][/i] She loves cake of any flavor. [b][i]Favorite Weather and Season :[/i][/b] Hail and winter [i][b]Patron God/Goddess :[/b][/i] Carios, God of Trade and Travel [/center] ----------------------- [center] [i][b]Personality :[/b][/i] Elora is a carefree young woman who enjoys working hard and reading books. She is known for her friendly attitude and sympathetic tendencies, but can come off as harsh because of her brutal honesty and inability – and unwillingness – to lie. While lacking charisma, she makes up for it with her geniality and general easy-going vibe. She wishes to open up a bakery because of her love for sweets and bread and her culinary skills. However, she is not passionate about a lot of things. She lacks motivation and does what she wants. She has no drive for her future and, whilst having a dream, would rather settle for inheriting her family’s business. Elora loves extravagant things and can be quite materialistic, though she tries not to be. [i][b]History :[/b][/i] Edlund Nicholi was a man with education in business and Edna Gregaris was a naïve woman with skills in tailoring. When they met, they opened up a tailoring shop and became clothe merchants. Two years into their business, Edna gave birth to Elora whom they began to raise to take over the family business. They taught her how to tailor, how to conduct business, and prepped her. When Elora was eight, the business began to rise and became a prominent tailor shop; the family soon became rich. Elora developed a taste for the lavish and was spoiled and doted on. This is what caused her lack of motivation, since everything was given to her. When she was twelve, Elora became interested in the culinary arts and tried a hundred different dishes to experience the many tastes. Her parents, while they usually supported her in everything, were dismayed and embarked on many schemes to dissuade her from the culinary path. Their daughter was oblivious of these plans and went on her merry way. Upon reaching the age of seventeen, her parents had another goal in mind as well – finding Elora a future husband. The redhead was uninterested in the opposite sex and stayed in a cocoon of ignorance of the advances some have made. Presently, Elora works for her parents at the tailor shop. [i][b]Theme song :[/b][/i] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGCsyshUU-A]Shadows[/url] [/center] --------------------- [center] [i][b]Clothing and/or armor :[/b][/i] Elora is usually in expensive silken dresses, even when doing something simple, though she does wear a plain cotton dress at times. [i][b][u]Tools and weapons :[/u][/b][/i] ======= [b][u]Name :[/u][/b] Fabric shears [u][b]Description :[/b][/u] Fabric shears are used to cut through fabric neatly. [i][b]Appearance :[/b][/i] [img] http://www.garrettwade.com/images/330/02G0101.jpg[/img] ======= [b][u]Name :[/u][/b] Assortment of needles [u][b]Description :[/b][/u] The needles are used to pull the thread through fabric to sew. [i][b]Appearance :[/b][/i] [img]http://www.photo-dictionary.com/photofiles/list/8668/11813sewing_needles.jpg[/img] ======= [b][u]Name :[/u][/b] Culinary knives [u][b]Description :[/b][/u] Knives for cooking and cutting certain ways. [i][b]Appearance :[/b][/i] [img] http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41SWl5pIrBL._SY300_.jpg[/img] ======= [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Chubby [u][b]Description:[/b][/u] Chubby is a mangy-looking cat that used to be homeless until Elora took her in. [i][b]Appearance:[/b][/i] [img] http://catsnco.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/feralcat-759571.jpg[/img] [/center] --------------------------------------- [center] [b][u]Skill/Abilities :[/u][/b] Elora is very good at cooking/baking and average at tailoring as her mother has better skill. She has knowledge in economics and business thus is very good at haggling/bartering and such. She enjoys learning, reads and writes well, and keeps a journal. • Culinary skill • Tailoring • Economics/business • Haggling/bartering • Reading and writing --------------------------------------- [i][b][u]Traits[/u][/b][/i] • Befriends animals quickly • Comes off as trustworthy • Keeps a journal • Is terrified of the dark [/center][/hider]