Hey there! I'm Senpai and this will be my official thread for any rp plots that pop into my sick little mind xD. As such it is subject to change at any time so check back often kay! [u][b]Edit As of 9/7/14:[/b][/u]I will link my other rp's here as well so that I can only have ONE thread! [hider=Star War's Fandom Plot][u][b]Plot #1 - A Padawan's True Test[/u][/b] [indent ]A recent rise of a vigilante in the lower levels of Coruscant has brought with it an increasing amount of media attention. Detective Sergeant Ker'l Su’ban and his partner Detective Yarl Quinn have been trying to locate and identify the killer since he first appeared. A murder recently occurred where a man free of ties to any of the gangs in the undercity was found with strange strangle marks on their necks, a pressure. The Jedi have been contacted to work alongside the CSF in order to resolve the current state of affairs. But when an eager Padawan catches wind of this mission she defies direct orders to go out and prove her worth by completing this mission solo. As she enters Coruscant's atmosphere though she feels she has made the gravest mistake. [b][u]Rule for Plot 1[/b][/u] -I wish to play the padawan - This is a Jedi vs Sith story - You can make up your own reason as to why a sith has suddenly appeared and on coruscant of all places[/hider] [hider=My DC Plot Ideas][u][b]Plot #1 New heroes, We need you![/u][/b] [indent]Gotham, the city of evil and corruption. Recently, the state of things has been extremely shaky. The Batman has seemingly disappeared from his job,Superman and the other league members refuse to intervene, and without him, no one is to keep order in this town which has spawned countless madmen and murderers. Any new heroes that sprout up is quickly....silenced. Villains from all around has made their homes in this place, taking advantage of the unprotected land. Gang lords, the criminally insane, aliens, ready to make their name and conquer this place. The problem is, with the large amount of criminals competing for Gotham is bound to cause conflicts. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and Gotham is definitely no exception.[/indent] [u][b]In both Options the story will be a mature romantic(ish) roleplay[/b][/u] [b]Option 1[/b]-You are one of those people, aiming to do your criminal activities here. Whether taking over the city, fighting others, robbing banks or anything in particular. The challenges that await you in Gotham will be plentiful, they'll come from friends, which will be few. And, of course, they'll come from foes, which will be many. Always be cautious and on the look out. Welcome to the city of death and crime, enjoy your stay here. [b][u]Mini Rule for Opt.1[/b][/u] [indent]1. No having extremely powerful characters being there without any good and logical reason. For example, Darkseid shouldn't be there at all, for he is an alien and has better things to do than to conquer a miserable city. While he might send out a troop or so to capture a hero, no extremely powerful characters are allowed, or at least make her/him less powerful(maybe like a villain got injured in the arm or something like that which would make her/him somewhat equal to each others). 2. Keep to your powers. For example, Captain Cold shouldn't suddenly be spouting out fire from his mouth or a small-time criminal having a large base and minions as much as Penguin does.[/indent] [b]Option 2[/b]- You've heard the stories but never in your life have you ever imagined it would be this bad. Maybe you've traveled a long way, maybe you grew up here; either way it doesn't matter Gotham is in trouble and your here to help. But you aren't stupid, you know going straight for the head kingpins like joker or penguin would be suicide a valuable lesson the previous heroes could have benefited from. If the other heroes don't wish to fight fine, but you won't stand idly by and watch this city go to hell in a hand basket. [b][u]Rule for Both Opt.1 & 2[/b][/u] 1. No Godmodding, refer to Rule 1 Above![/hider] [hider=Vampire RP Plots][b][u]The Star's indicate the severity of my craving. The more the better ^///^. Also No these are not [i]Twilight[/i] Based[/u][/b] [b][u]VampirexMortal/Mythical Being[/u][/b] [indent]So say a noble/pureblood vampire is traveling the country in this Medieval Fantasy era with all the trimmings of the fantasy part. Kingdoms, dragons, elves, the works. Perhaps she's on the run from something and is worse for wear and hiding her true self when she is taken in by a small cluster of carefree folk that live calm lives in the forest, though near a Kingdom to get food and such. They can be human or a small community of mythical beings that couldn't find anywhere else to reside. They weren't banished from society, but are just lonesome travelers and the like who found a place they could stay with others like them. While they don't reject vampires, it's considered normal to fear anything that lives off the life of another being. The vampire noble finds the group rather...odd...as she's used to the high class life but slowly begins to adjust as a mortal being. She learns to get her hands dirty and not care if her hair is messed up. Along this path of discovery she finds that his empty heart had been slowly pulling towards a female/male who'd shown her kindness. The song stated above makes me think of a sort of..transition song of a celebration and she forces him to dance. Could be the start of something....Something good...or something bad. Vampires and their picky eating habits and all. But perhaps someone else had their eye on the girl/guy long before this newcomer arrived and isn't happy about the competition. The darkness in her heart can be warped by someone who's after the Vampire noble to create an army to do her bidding. Perhaps one day while the love interest is out in the forest, she/he is attacked by one of the enemy vampires and in the moves of defense, it is revealed who the newcomer really is. But will she continue to be accepted in an era that fears beings like her?[/indent] [s][b][u]Plot #2****[/u][/b] [b]VampirexWerewolf[/b] [indent]There is a war between the vampires and wolves, but one vampire (you) hesitates to kill a wolf mid-fight. She passed out from blood-loss and changes into her human form and now you are staring down at your high-school bestfriend your...CRUSH!....No wonder she always reeks of dog. She's known who you were the whole time, and never attacked you -- this fight had been self-defense, and now you have to decide what to do and how to keep your nest/her pack from finding out. Or else... [/indent][/s] [b][u]Plot #3***[/b][/u] [b]WerewolfxHuman[/b] [indent] You are heading back to your car on your way through the short cut (the park) and don't feel like talking to anyone around you, though you are well-known in school/work. It is getting dark when you are almost to the exit path and you see something laying in the thickness a few yards away from the trails. How irritating, you actually have a conscience despite your intimidating reputation and fighting nature; so you check it out. Here lies a large, crimson colored, thick furred dog. It's similar to a wolf, but the coloring is too unusual and why would it be in the city? Still, you take her home and lay the animal down in the house's largest tub and lock the room off until you check in later that night and find her awake and up. She never seems aggressive to you, in fact she seems happy to follow you around and stay glued to your side, and even nervous about simple, but ever since bringing her back, strange people have been coming to town and things change as you return from work/school and find a...naked girl...who doesn't remember anything but waking up in your house and...even weirder no dog. Is her world dangerous, or bearable? [/indent] [b][u]Plot #4*******[/u][/b] [b]WerewolfxWerewolf[/b] [indent]There are two wolf packs, both have been dominant in their hemispheres, that have come together for a meeting. The two alphas have decided to create a new pack -- in preparation to take over a new territory, to steal the best hunting and den sight from a vampire nest -- by sending forward their best wolf. From one pack, the young, prime males gather to have a fight amongst themselves to see who is the strongest. You, a large, powerful, and egotistic male, throw down all rivals with little more than a scratch. In the other pack, the females began to scrabble as well, and in the confusion, the alpha's daughter was pulled in, and in defense, also, threw down all the others in the mass of flying fur. And so, she has been (by accident or not) named your new mate. Needless to say, while you think you have won the best prize of them all and your cocky attitude only swells by being allowed to have her at your side, she's not thrilled. All that is left now is to win her over, although you are already beginning to lead your choice of three wolves from your old packs, and begin the take over of this new territory to ensure the future of this new pack; gaining ample food, water, and safety before you carry through with starting your own family, who will take over once you are gone. This is a RP of defense and offense, romance, and primal needs. Good luck.[/indent][/hider] [hider=Zombie Survival]The year is 2064. It's been five months since the beginning of The Outbreak. No one knows how, or even why it began, only that it happened too damn quickly. Cities were overrun before many could even begin evacuation, most military bases didn't stand a chance against the hordes of the undead and were wiped out completely. There is little societal structure left in the world, let alone here in America. There's been word of a few colonies spotted across the country, but hearsay isn't the most reliable source of information. The fact that trust becoming somewhat of a rare commodity between those of us among the living certaintly doesn't help things either. Food and ammunition are growing scarcer as time drags on. Wouldn't be a problem, except most usually don't find themselves in one place long enough to really make use of farming, or manufacturing, and are left to scavenge the darkened cities for supplies. Obviously, there are many dangers that come with scavenging, and zombies are most certainly not the only concern. Your fellow man, in some cases, may prove to be your worst enemy. An uninfected human can be more dangerous than any zombie because they can calculate, navigate, deceive, and worst of all, operate a gun better than any member of the undead. Although that really doesn't say a whole lot considering the undead can't do much of any of that. Regardless, man makes a dangerous foe, one you most certainly don't want or need. Finding a city, or even a small town for that matter, with functioning power plants has become even less likely than winning the lottery before being promptly struck by lightning. Twice. Alright, that's a bit of an overstatement, but the point is it's very unlikely. This is just a general idea of what you're likely to face once you begin your journey. If you think you have what it takes to survive out there, then welcome aboard. In this story I'll be taking the role of a military sergeant who's unit has been.....taken out. Leaving her the sole survivor of her unit. She comes across an abandoned mall looking for a safe nights rest and compose herself when she stumbles upon YOU! Are you friend or foe? (Heres where it gets fun, you can be almost anything...well except for a zombie O_o. Ex-cop, Marine, scientist? Go nuts I'm excited to see who'll you come up with.)[/hider] [b]Senpai's Rules[/b] [indent]1.Be somewhat literate. Now I'm not a grammer nazi I'm human and so are you so mistakes are inevitable, hell I'm sure you'll find some here xD. Just make sure its legible I dont wanna re-read your reply like 20 times kay. Also don't send me things lyke th1s wh3re its all txt tlk. I hate that and will promptely end the rp sorry. 2. Tis a mature and graphic bunch of rp's. So I ask that you are oover the age of 18 and are comfortable rp'ing blood/gore, Adult themes such as sex, violence, drugs, nudity, vulgar language and so forth. 3 Mature yes, Smut no. I like to focus on story and character development. Yes sex will more than likely occur between our characters but no it will not be the main point of it and it will not take up a huge proportion of the rp. While I'm on the topic of sex, I do NOT fade to black. but at the same time I don't want it lasting forever kay. Nuff said no negotiations here sorry. 4. Be creative don't allow me to run the entire show if you have an idea throw it in there, plot twist toss it in! I'm adaptive and can work with almost anything.The worst that can happen is I ask that you re-write it if it doesn't make sense xD. Be descriptive when you write. Explain the emotions you might be feeling the environment and so on. 5. I am busy with this struggle we call life so if I don't reply 3-4 times a day don't crucify me okay. I will try to let you know if I will have any absences if it is in my power. When we rp if I get no response from you within 3 weeks to a month I will figure that the rp is over. 6.Absolutely no one-liners. I'm not a massive writer unless the mood strikes but my minimm is 2 paragraphs and max will be 4. I will give what I recieve and I pray you do the same back. Remember quantity over quality I rather have to good descriptive paragraphs then 4 that is a bunch of gibberish. 7.Along with your CS name your favorite anime(if you watch them) or book so that I know that you have read these rules and not only understand but comply with them.[/indent]