Finished. Now i made it so she was just among the nobles of House Rynir, but if you catch one where it still says shes a Rynir by last name let me know, I'll fix it. ^^ [hider=Aideth Orin] [center][b][i]Name :[/i][/b] Aideth Orin of House Rynir [b][i]Nicknames :[/i][/b] “Rolor’s Mistress” is the name she has been given in battle. Gender : Femme [i][b]Age and birthday :[/b][/i] July 30th, 1278 24 years [i][b]Origin :[/b][/i] Daughter of A noble of the Rynir Family, Iridite and Levin Orin [i][b]Length and build :[/b][/i] Height: 5’8 Build: Sturdy, with shoulders that could hold up a shelf on their own. This does not sacrifice curves, however. [i][b]Weight :[/b][/i] 173lbs (Mostly in muscle) [i][b]Sexuality :[/b][/i] Many are uncertain. Aideth does not openly express her sexuality, leading many to wonder if she has a sex drive at all. Servants of House Rynir, however, know her to be heterosexual, finding out under uncanny circumstance in catching Aideth gazing lustfully at portraits of the God Rolor in the midst of tutoring. [/center] ------------------------ [center] [i][b]Appearances :[/b][/i] Face, hair, eyes, etc: [img=] Aideth is a Golden haired beauty who is seldom off guard, making her appear constantly tense and ready for action. Her eyes are an ever changing hazel, shifting shades according to her mood and current scenario whilst never drifting far from their basic color. Sturdy, busty, and curvy, she uses all of her body’s attributes to aid her in battle, such as feigning weakness, withholding the element of surprise with just how strong her body truly is. Many are intimidated by her height, being so tall for a woman, but she merely sees it as another asset to intimidate her foes. [/center] ------------------------ [center] [i][b]Occupation :[/b][/i] A Centurion for the Legion, A title she earned after her fathers death. At the time, she was an Optio fresh out of the Academy and stepped forth to take upon herself the burden of a Centurion, only after proving her own worth as well. [i][b]Favorite phrase/saying :[/b][/i] “When[i] in shame,[/i] lower your blade. When [i]ashamed,[/i] strike the coward that placed guilt into your heart.” [i][b]Favorite Food :[/b][/i] Expensive wine with the finest cuts of steak. [b][i]Favorite Weather and Season :[/i][/b] All weather is good if it means training, but the season she most prefers is the Autumn, when blood stains the colors of the leaves it is truly a breathtaking harmony of shades. [i][b]Patron God/Goddess :[/b][/i] She has always prayed to the God Rolor. Since she was a child she dreamed of going into battle, and in her teen years found herself blushing at the very thought of meeting him in person (not unlike a fangirl to her favorite band.) As the years passed she has become more infatuated with Rolor, and sometimes questions if she actually loves the god not in a spiritual way, but in a way only a lover can. Her obsession and desire for the God of War, his mark around her neck on a small chain, has earned her her nickname in battle. [/center] ----------------------- [center] [i][b]Personality :[/b][/i] Aideth is… difficult to say the least. In a normal situation, Aideth is level headed, stubborn, and quiet. She silently takes in her surroundings and the slide of her eyes could cut throats. As the head of the Rynir family, she has learned to be firm, and to listen to the demands of her fellow houses. This practice is one she does not care for, and is unafraid to openly express her opinions of how she deals with tyrants and liars. However, in battle she is the most ruthless and wild woman you may ever lay eyes on. She is as merciless as she is beautiful. And Hell turn to ice if she doesn’t love the bloodshed of her enemies. So much so that stories have spread like wildfire, exaggerating the tales of Rolors Mistress. She will never confirm nor deny such stories. If there is ever a chance to clash silver swords over silver tongues, Aideth will be the first to apprehend the opportunity. This makes her arrogant in one sense, but it’s the reason she’s still alive. No, she isn’t perfect, but she doesn’t need to be. What matters most is protecting the nation… no matter what. She does, however, have a soft spot for children and baby animals. [i][b]History :[/b][/i] As a girl, Aideth loved her father. She would run out to him in the middle of the night when he was training soldiers, and cling to his leg with little tears running down her cheeks. And with a sigh, the Rynir noble would scoop his daughter into his arms and bring her back to her bed, where they discussed the cause of her tears, which would always be a nightmare. He would tell her stories, that the God of War would protect her from her nightmares, as he protected him in battle. Despite learning that Rolor had no control of nightmares later on in life, this would always soothe the small Aideth and put her to sleep. Life went on. Her sisters and brothers came too, and she would watch them as she grew. Her father, however, always spoiled Aideth more than his other children. Aideth was his little girl, and always would be. After much begging, he agreed to show Aideth her way around swords and other weaponry despite her mothers fretting. She spent much of her time when not in school around the soldiers, who would initially not take her desire to learn too seriously for a lady her age until she spat foul words. Stunned, the soldiers quietly helped, and over the years her skills increased as did her friendship with these soldiers. At night, when her younger siblings would come to her in fear of nightmares, she would tell them of Rolor, and how he would always protect them… and as she grew her trust turned to affection for the God. She graduated the academy and became an Optio. Shortly after, in her first true battle with her father against a warring nation, her father was killed. With their Centurion leader, her father, dead, The Legion was forced back. They had lost a battle that day. Her mother could not bear it, and died of heartbreak a few days after learning of her husbands death. Her brothers and sisters mourned, but Aideth did not have that luxury. She was now to be head of her family, and she knew she had to become Centurion, for no other than a member of House Rynir must play the role… at least that’s how she felt. So she trained. She had soldiers under her command aid her through vigorous training sessions that would bring her to the point of exhaustion, and asked them to intentionally hurt her in order to build up her pain tolerance. She takes no grief for it, however… she chose this. After a long, mental and physical battle, she was selected as the new Centurion for her unit. Now she has won her battle to be centurion, but her battle with nobles, and their wits, is far from over. She only prays that Rolor will guide her now. She looks to one day lead House Rynir as its leader. [i][b]Theme song :[/b][/i] [youtube]WJ-2J0b1uS0[/youtube] This song deeply expresses who Aideth is, and the lyrics here are very powerful. I hope this brings you to be a bit more intimate with just who she is. [/center] --------------------- [center] [i][b]Clothing and/or armor :[/b][/i] As above in the photos, Aideth typically wears dresses and bold colors to express her nobility, and prefers to wear armor despite not being able to all the time. However, there will always be different occaisions. (For this ignore the girl in the photos and focus on the outfits.) Amongst nobles: [img=] To the Ball: [img=] Amongst commoners: [img=] Training soldiers: [img=] Casual: [img=] Full Armor: [img=] [i][b][u]Tools and weapons :[/u][/b][/i] ======= [b][u]Name :[/u][/b] Orin Longsword [u][b]Description :[/b][/u] IT CUTS, IT HACKS, IT CHOPS, IT DOES EVERYTHING FOR YOUR KITCHEN NEEDS. Also can cut through flesh and bone, but, ya know… This sword once belonged to her father, and has been passed down for several generations. [i][b]Appearance :[/b][/i] [img=] ======= [b][u]Name :[/u][/b] Orin Shield [u][b]Description :[/b][/u] Good for blocking lethal attacks and in an emergency it makes as a fine cuddlebuddy. Passed down with the Orin Sword [i][b]Appearance :[/b][/i] [img=] ======= [b][u]Name :[/u][/b] Simple Dagger [u][b]Description :[/b][/u] Cutting, stabbing, shanking… its better for a more stealthy approach, as well as for cutting meat. [i][b]Appearance :[/b][/i] [img='s%20work/dagger2.JPG] ======== [/center] --------------------------------------- [center] [b][u]Skill/Abilities :[/u][/b] -Horseback Riding -Swordsmanship -Minor archery -Falconry -Etiquette -Has acquired a high level of education in the Academy -‘Lady skills’ such as cooking and sewing, taught by her mother --------------------------------------- [i][b][u]Traits[/u][/b][/i] -Extremely aggressive in battle -Appears to be snobbish to those around her due to her quiet nature out of battle -Absolutely obsessed with the God of War and pines for his affections -A complete Daddy’s girl [/center] [/hider] [i] I pledge loyalty and honor to the High Ruler of the Empire[/i]