[b]Region Number:[/b] 20 [b]Nation Name:[/b] Kingdom of Asedea [b]Nation Leader/Name of Nation's Parliament:[/b] King Olemnus [b]Nation Banner:[/b] [hider=Banner][img=http://www.medievalfantasiesco.com/Flags/CastleLadyHawkBannerBlue.jpg][/hider] [b]Race:[/b] Humans [b]Capital City:[/b] Deas. Formerly a prominent port city in the empire, it is now the capital of the Kingdom of Asedea. It sits right on the eastern coastline, and is one of the wealthiest and most influential tradeports in the region. [b]Other Major Settlements:[/b] Aerma, another large port comparable in size to Deas along the western coastline; Tarm, the largest city in Asedea's heartland sitting in between the eastern and western regions of the kingdom, it's income reliant on the lumber trade; and Cael, a fortress more than a city, known for it's heavy military presence. [b]Gross Population:[/b] ~400,000 [b]Exports:[/b] Ships, Lumber [b]Brief Nation History:[/b] During the time of the empire, the region now known as the Kingdom of Asedea was mostly used as a naval base for the Empire's fleets. It's large coastline allowed for the creation of many port towns, and thus many shipyards. Asedea was also used to maintain the Empire's northeastern presence over land, with the construction of the citadel Cael; which they used for the training and housing of Legions. However, Asedea was a significant distance from the Empire's heartlands, and had a considerable amount of autonomy during the Empire's rule. When the Empire fell, the shift of power was actually quite ordered, as far as power shifts go. There were, of course, several rebellions, but they were all put down swiftly and ruthlessly. Within several months a King was coronated and a formal Kingdom established. ----------------------------- Nation Status Card [b][i]Kingdom of Asedea[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government:[/b] King Olemnus [b]Settlements Owned:/b] 3 [b]Provinces Owned:[/b] 1 [b]Population:[/b] ~400,000 [b]Standing Army:[/b] [indent] - /<3,000>/<100%> (300 Knights, 1500 Pikemen, 850 Longbowmen, 350 Arquebusemen) - /<1,000>//<85%> (100 Knights, 500 Pikemen, 300 Longbowmen, 100 Arquebusemen) [/indent] [b]Standing Navy:[/b] [indent]-/<32 Light Ships>/<16 Medium Ships>/<8 Big Ships>//<90%>[/indent] [b]Population Happiness: 90%[/b] [b]Imports:[/b] [b]Exports:[/b] Ships, Lumber [b]Wealth:[/b] Relatively wealthy [b]Alliances:[/b] None [b]Trade Pacts:[/b] None [b]Cease Fires:[/b] None [/hider]