Getting this up first as a placeholder, DT. Will continue it in a bit after I do a little more research. The world has been hit by a devastating virus, one that comes straight from the movies we all make fun of: Zombies. The virus spread quickly, overtaking cities and states in mere hours, the countries following quickly after. But the world's troubles were far from over. High above the world, a secret research facility on Luna was researching how to regrow plant life in moments, but an insurgent was thinking not of the world, but his own regime. The test subjects were injected with a strange virus, and they took on true sentience, becoming aware and were able to replicate at will. They expanded, causing massive explosions across Luna as they tore through the moon's surface and through other facilities. They spread their spores to earth, replicating over and over and over again to survive the plummet to the planet. It was then that this new creature deemed "Mother Nature" started it's own war with earth, quickly becoming aware of the result of man's expansion, and sought to cleanse it of the foulness. Mother Nature took back her world, creating bountiful forests and overtaking many cities, but the serum that was injected into it grew weaker with every new generation, and it's world take over slowed. While the forests it had created would defend itself however it could, it could spread only as it was originally designed, as the scientists designed it. Slowly, as nature demanded. The next two hundred years were quiet, the world entering into a hibernated state. The Undead still roamed the world's cities, eating wherever they could, and the last remnants of the humans ran and did what they could to survive, finding refuge in ancient bunkers and cities that had defended itself. Even two hundred years later, they were still scattered. At this point, as the earth took over the world again and death was at every turn, the human race was living on borrowed time. Extinction was certain for them. Name: Weapons: (Survival focused.) Supplies: Appearance: Ect: