[b][center]Kazuto – Living room of his house[/center][/b] Kazuto silently sat in anticipation, he looked up at the clock countless times over and over, he was anxious and could not sit still, he got up from his seat and paced back and forth from his kitchen to the living room and then back again to his kitchen. The wait was painful, Kazuto had felt similar feeling, to his current situation, in the past when he had to wait for the servers of SAO to come up, but compared to now, the wait for SAO was nothing. He tried to calm himself down but was just way too impatient for that. He finally sat back down onto his couch huffing somewhat annoyed.「It should be here by now...」He looked up at the clock and the second slowly ticked away. He pulled out his phone and started to scroll through some things.「Come on delivery person, you are late!」Simultaneously he stood up and screamed out, but at that moment the doorbell to his house rang, he froze up and a wide smile shown across his face, he quickly made his way to the door practically ripping the door off of its hinges in the process of opening it. The man that stood at the doorway was holding a box in front of him, it was a rather small box as it didn’t contain much but Kazuto knew exactly what it was. 「Hello would you ple-」Before the man got to finish his sentence, Kazuto took a hold of the clipboard singing it furiously and then proceeded to take the package right out of the delivery man’s hands. The delivery man gave Kazuto a weird look but before anything more could be said Kazuto slammed the door and ripped into the box without hesitation. Wait lie inside the small cardboard box was an even smaller box but on the front there was clear rugged text that read ≪[i]GGO: Gun Gale Online[/i]≫. Leaving behind his mess he rushed up the stairs stumbling on a few of them, right away he entered his room closing it immediately. His younger sister, Miyu, poked her head out of her room and then sighed going back into her room. Opening the games case kazuto found the game itself inside, he quickly took it out and booted it up. Without a single moment wasted Kazuto sat down onto his head and slid his AmuSphere onto his head, he laid down onto his bed and then proceeded onto to saying the two words that would send him into this new world of GGO.「LINK START!」 In that moment flashes of all colors appeared before him, before actually getting into the game he was presented with a question as to whether or not he wanted to transfer a character from a guy that was on the The Seed engine. Kazuto quickly entered in his information for the transfer, within seconds he was presented with a screen asking him to enter a username. Right away he inputted the name: ≪Kaz≫. At this point on most of the initialization was done, he didn’t get a character customization option as the game of GGO randomly chose an avatar for each character upon creation. Once everything was pretty much set in stone, everything went dark within a matter of seconds the darkness turned into a barren, depressing, and lifeless scenery of a battle field. [center][b]Kaz - Tutorial Starting Area[/b][/center] Right away he was presented with a message in big bold letters in the middle of his field of view. It read: ≪Tutorial Start≫ The UI in front of him started to show various little pop ups explaining the basics of the game. Kaz had already read up on the game prior to actually playing so he knew all about the game and its mechanics but there was no way to get out of the tutorial as it was one of those tutorials that were mandatory. He sighed as he followed along with the on-screen instructions opening various menus that correlated to inventory, skill points, and equipment. On a side noted Kaz had noted that he was already level 5 since he had transferred his character that was back with him since the death game of SAO. He continued along with the tutorial, after a while Kaz remembered that there were a quiet a few tutorial missions, he groaned loudly and continued on with the rest of the tutorial. --- [hider=Items]None as of yet[/hider]