[b]Name[/b] Anye Eve Etrelton [b]Alias[/b] Having no exact Alias, not being known that very much but the people who do know her and knows her power call her [b]Time[/b] [b]Age[/b] 11 [b]Parents[/b] Alexia Eltrelton Her mother is a scientist working for nasa as she is a meteorologist working for various companies such as CIA and as well associated with some of the 'Shield'. James Eltrelton Her farther is as well..a scientist though he has retired and began working on the constelations he has began to study the stars, though he has seen current events of Doctor Doom and as well Ultron. [b]Appearence[/b] Anye ( Annie ) [hider=Anye][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/253/f/5/stylish_anime_girl_by_danesse198-d6lra3m.png[/img][/hider] [b]Costume[/b] Having no 'exact' costume is because she is not known to save others. Her powers do not rely on combat nor physical things. So she does not need a 'special' costume. Only wearing a simple diamond like patterned sweater and blue short, shorts, long socks and sneakers. [b]Powers[/b] Explaining 'Anyes' power is very simple. See it like this. Imagine if the earth was like a computer, data is stored throught out the times you use 'this' computer. Anye uses the data that is stored through out time and looks back at time. Though she can not look back to the time of the earth but can look...back around 50 years ago. Her power cannot be seen, only by her and the others that would use this 'certain' power. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Her last and final, secondary power is, again, simple. When she looks into pictures..she can view them like a window of time, shards...that have been frozen. She can find clues, anything out of the ordinary with this power. Also, heres another explanation. When she looks at a certain picture her vision seperates as she is allowed to view in 'another' frozen dimension. Seeing everything that was taken in the photo and what wasn't taken in the photo. [b]Skills[/b] Having no skills as she has not trained in hand to hand combat nor handling with a gun, though she can use her powers to gain information. [b]Weapons/tools[/b] None. [i]Other[/i] Anye is wanting to become an avenger to help them gain information.