[quote=Barioth] Fair trials? I think you mean Kangaroo Courts.I give you a nomination, because that sound fun [/quote] Of course they wouldn't be fair, this is Spam after all. But we will claim that they are only fair and just and the proper way to deal with troublesome troublemakers. [quote=Drakel] Personally Clirk... I would just ban them first THEN do the fair trial (while also talking major shit about them during the trial)... "Guilty until prven inocent" seems to work pretty well on forums. Plus when they are found innocent publicly we could just unban them and watch them commit serious rage.... then ban them again. :D Though you do know how to draw. If I was you, I'd continuously draw pictures of the people you ban... just so you can remember every special moment and share it in the Gallery to show all your friends. [/quote] I'll put up wanted posters 'n' stuff. You can be a prosecutor. You'd be good at it.