[b]Arcana, Ajala, Shippo, Nathalia, Dantus (cameo)[/b] [i]'H-he really told me his name! He didn't ignore me!'[/i] Arcana thought in shock as butterflies swirled around in her tummy. Her mouth formed an "O" as she tried to think of something else to say in response, the tension between them becoming uncomfortable. Her fingers danced around her ring, almost yanking it off in her nervousness. That was when Ajala came to the rescue, trying to ease down Shippo and diffuse the tension. Arcana felt some of her anxiety melt away at the nagini's calm words and voice. [b]"I cer-certainly didn't w-want to hurt you..."[/b] Arcana mumbled apologetically, looking down at the fliers in her hands. The Gardening Club's flier showcased an overview of the school gardens, highlighting plants such as the mandrake and athelas at the bottom and top of it respectively. [i]'I wonder if they have snapping dragon tanglers here?'[/i] She mused, remembering her favorite plant from back home. She was pulled back into reality, away from her musings, by Ajala turning to her and offering her a place in the Gardening Club. [b]"I-I-I-I-I-I-yes-ohmigod-please sign me!"[/b] She stammered excitedly, her words fumbling over each other. Somehow Arcana hadn't realized that [i]she[/i] could join the club until Ajala had offered. She was beside herself, hopping from foot to foot, but was soon brought out of her reverie by a booming voice looming over the commons. She ducked down reflexively, eyes darting every where all at once to find the source. [i]'No yelling, no yelling, no yelling!'[/i] That singular thought repeated in panic, her shoulders shivering as she hunched over her knees. She hated aggression, or anger. They scared her more than anything else. [b]"I re-really don't wanna be here anymore, miss Ajala."[/b] Arcana said weakly, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. Suddenly, Nathalia was patting Arcana on the back to soothe the young harpy. "That old bag of bones is just puffing himself up, don't you worry about it Arcana. He'll stop soon." The nymph said sweetly, her hand warm against Arcana's back. Nathalia turned to Ajala, a serious look in her gaze that belied her sweet tone. "Ajala, dear, would you mind signing Arcana up now? And perhaps Shippo, if he would like to join? But that's up to him." Nathalia added with a wink to the kitsune in question.