[center][img]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/108974811/large.gif[/img][/center] Hello, you can call me ab, as most do, if you plan on contacting me in the future. I consider myself to be semi-lit, so basically I will post one to two paragraphs ranging from eight to twelve lines each. My spelling and grammar are decent, but nobody is perfect. I am in Mountain Standard time, so I tend to post in the evening. I may not be on every day, but I do try to reply within three days if not on that very day. If I am any later than that you will get a PM from me that states why I am so late. I expect for you to at least try to mirror my posts amount-wise, excellent spelling and grammar are also a bonus. [b]Here are some example roleplay plots:[/b] ✓ [b]Book Based[/b] ► [u]Percy Jackson and the Olympians/ The Heroes of Olympus[/u] - OCs at Camp Half-Blood, there would probably be a prophecy involved. ► [u]The Maze Runner [/u]- Before Thomas arrived, just some OC Gladers surviving the Maze. ► [u]The Mortal Instruments[/u] - Strictly OC, fighting and hunting in no particular part of the world or time period. ► [u]Comic Books[/u] - Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, take your pick. ✓ [b]Disney AU's[/b] ► Disney characters in real life, if you still don't understand you'll just have to ask. ✓ [b]Original Ideas[/b] ► Anything really, as long as it isn't just pure romance.