[quote=Koto] You totally missed the point. It isn't that he was young or even a spammer, but that he was a person just like anyone else. It is obviously, as my pointing out suggested, a commonplace thing. The Mod title does not mean you are no longer capable of screwing up, or not suddenly have a group of people start hating you for whatever thing you've done, whether completely legit or not. Same for Kadaeux. He was obviously not fit for a Moderator position, but that doesn't make him any less of a human or any less deserving of being understood. You can argue it all you want, but disrespect of another person whether you agree with them or not is not the answer. That would be like me saying, that since we've now had this little back and forth, I should know dislike you cause of the way you view things, when aside from this, you could be an awesome person that I'm not taking the time to understand. Now, how silly does that sound? [/quote] Okay well this is just part of the spam culture, so wat youre saying sounds like misplaced idealism.