Marrow, if you access your browser cache you might be able to recover it. Depending on browser, you might need an addon to access stored web pages, but it might be possible to get it recovered. anyways, the answers Sep had yesterday about nationality were more or less as such: Characters (other than the XO, which is American and is there for teaching and advisory purpose only) have to be British. Or Scottish. Or Irish. Or Welsh. Basically: they have to be from a nation it makes sense for to serve on a vessel in the British Royal Navy. While many other nations are allied with Britain, they still have their own navies and need [i]really[/i] good reason to serve on navy vessels not belonging to their own nation. Dual citizenship is one way to get around that, but even then (s)he has to be extremely exceptional to be assigned to a secret vessel. People of dual citizenship might end up having problems with loyalty to two governments and might have to spill secrets to the other. Sep: You know we'll include that line in our CS when we post it anyways, right? Its too fun to mess with not to.