[youtube]MXph0arElKs[/youtube] "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together." - President Dwight D. Eisenhower [b]THE STORY[/b] As the title implies, in this RP we will be playing as the Justice League, the greatest heroes the world has ever known. This is not meant to be an origin story. The League will already be established and will operate out of their orbital satellite base, the Watchtower. Each player will either take on an iconic member of the team, or may create their own original superhero. If you choose the latter, I encourage you to try and integrate your new character into the lore of the DC Universe. Maybe your character hails from Atlantis, or was trained by the League of Assassins, or was chosen as a member of the Green Lantern Corps. You get the idea. In our first adventure, the Justice League will battle against the forces of Brainiac, the Preserver of Worlds. For those of you unfamiliar with his work, Brainiac is a super intelligent android whose claim to fame is shrinking the Kryptonian city of Kandor and collecting it in a bottle. The bottled city of Kandor is a relic of a doomed civilization, and Brainiac has visited countless planets to expand his collection of such relics. His sights are now set on planet Earth, and he aims to collect one of the Earth's greatest cities. This city will serve as a relic of humanity, a civilization destined to destroy itself. The story will begin with Brainiac sending his probe droids to scout various cities on Earth, and will escalate into a full scale alien invasion. Earth's problems are not just limited to extraterrestrial invaders however. Recently, tensions have escalated between the United States of America and the middle eastern nation of Kahndaq, ruled by the tyrannical dictator Asim Muhunnad. Lex Luthor is lobbying for United States military intervention in Kahndaq, as his company, LexCorp, has weapons manufacturing contracts with the U.S military. For Lex Luthor, war is what's best for business. LexCorp is also secretly developing super weapons for the U.S military to use against the Justice League, as a fail safe in the event of the League going rogue. While today the Justice League may serve as protectors, it is feared that one day they could become rulers. [b]THE RULES[/b] Nothing out of the ordinary here, just adhere to the standards of casual roleplay. No one-liners, use proper spelling and grammar. We may be playing as god-like characters, but obviously god modding still isn't cool. If you are playing as an iconic member of the League, make sure it's a character you are familiar with and make sure that you stick to the core aspects of their character. So don't have Batman pull out a gun and start lightning people up. [b]CHARACTER SHEET[/b] [b]Superhero Name:[/b] [b]Civilian Identity:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] If you are playing as an established hero, use an image here. These are comic book characters, there are lots of images to choose from. If you are an original character, an image is still preferred if possible. [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b] It's important to fill this section out even if you're an established character because A. it shows that you are familiar with their strengths and limitations, and B. there are many different incarnations of these characters and some have different power sets. For example, the original Superman didn't actually fly, he could just "leap tall buildings in a single bound." [b]Biography:[/b] Again, still fill this out if you're playing an established character. It doesn't have to be long. Like I said there are many different incarnations of these superheroes, so it's important to know which one we're dealing with. Are you a young Batman, or an older, more experienced Batman? Is the Flash an eligible bachelor, or is he married? Is Aquaman a respectable hero, or is he still a joke? We need to know these things. [b]JUSTICE LEAGUE ROSTER[/b] Superman - ZeusTheMoose Batman - DBlade26 Green Lantern - Rin Aquaman - BlackSam3091 Shifter - Yog Sothoth Green Arrow - LastLFan Wonder Woman - MrDidact [b]OTHER CHARACTERS[/b] Gerard Lewis, Agent of ARGUS - Cartwright Robin - VitaVitaAR Ambush Bug - Clanjos