[quote]20. This one is open to anyone to answer. Fuck, Marry, Kill, all people in Spam available as answers, who would you pick for each one? 21.Would you rather fight 100 duck sized ducks, or 1 horse sized horse? 25. Spam Mod Nominees - what makes you think you'd be a good mod? [/quote] Hard one... hmm... @20 Fuck: SherlockHolmes cause she's fuckin hot. Marry: Not really sure who to pick... So few girls here and they are all either older than me or horrible... Or taken... Squee if she is ever single, she's a really nice and caring person and I know she knows what she's doing in life. Kill: It is tempting to say Jorick but I'm not that low. I dislike him though I'm not going to say he's that bad, even if he thinks I am. I say either Smiral or Nargle. Though if we are counting him, Larfleeze or Mr_Pink should die more imo. @21 You have a better chance in killing 1 horse than 100 ducks when fighting one alone. I'd go after the horse and if possible try to break it's legs... a horse with a broken leg is dead already. @25 Because I'd actually take the job seriously. A lot of people doubt I could or would be able to do such a job efficiently and unbiasedly and I just love proving them wrong. Then again I do make bad calls of judgement and I do get hot headed every now and then so I do acknowledge my own flaws as well. My main worry though is that I guess I am a nice member since others are saying such, so it worries me that what if I just let everyone go with a warning and not an instant ban? I really only want everyone to be happy so if I could solve a problem without going full banhammer I probably would.So... in turn it'd be because I want to "prove" maturity, which is, in a sense, an immature thing to do and I want to make other people happy, which I could just do now... so nothing really. :/