[b]Faction:[/b] Thunder Bay Republic. [b]Location:[/b] [URL=http://s1105.photobucket.com/user/wolfbrother2/media/ThunderBayMap_zpsb53c4796.png.html][IMG]http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h351/wolfbrother2/ThunderBayMap_zpsb53c4796.png[/IMG][/URL] [b]History:[/b] Thunder Bay, a small city on the northern bank of Lake Superior, quickly descended into chaos when the disaster hit. Anarchy reigned for a decade or so, as self-named kings rose and fell trying to control the ratrace that was Thunder Bay. Resources were scarce and only the strongest survived. This finally came to an end when a Royal Canadian Army battalion arrived. The soldiers, part of the 2nd Canadian Division based in CFB Shilo military base, had been moving through the country scavenging for supplies and searching for a location for a new base. They decided on Thunder Bay. After a brief fight, the soldiers took control of the city and had crushed any other competitors. Under military leadership and guidance, the city began producing its own food, and systems were set in place to ensure work was allocated equally. Fifty years on, and many of the original soldiers are dead, but the military is still in control. The city operates on an ad-hoc communist system - all resources are collectivised; one quarter going to the army, one quarter set aside for trading, the rest divided between the civilians based on the quality and quantity of work done. It is not a popular system, but effective. Over the years, the nation has spread out to encompasse the surrounding countryside, as well as the nearby Isle Royale National Park. Most of the original industries of Thunder Bay are gone, but the nation has a considerable fishing fleet, and a reasonably strong agricultural base. Despite having 'Republic' in the name, the city does not hold elections and the commander of the military, named by their predecessor, holds all power.