[quote]28. If you had to be stuck in a room with another spammer for 5 years, and then after that time was up you had to kill them, who would you pick and why? Also, don't be a bitch, no equivocation about not killing them, follow the hypothetical mandates you little shit.[/quote] Probably someone like Jster. He's a funny guy and would keep things amusing, but I don't really know him all that well now and have no strong attachment to him so the killing part wouldn't suck so much. Much better than killing someone I actually know well and like a lot or living with some cunt for 5 years. [quote]32. Question for oldfags: which of the new spammers (those who first showed up after Guildfall) do you like the most?[/quote] Uhh... The only one I can think of that I have a positive opinion of is that Barioth guy, so I guess him. [quote]33. Jorick, what is it about spam that makes you keep coming back? [/quote] Boredom mostly, nowadays. Also some nostalgia for back on OldGuild when I used to have tons of fun here (and on TC) with people who are mostly rare visitors or totally gone now.