38. I dunno, I feel like I don't know you very well Card. What is the one thing people should know about you? I'm seventeen. Some people think I'm smart. Some people are incredibly nice. Some people are wrong. Shit, you know what everyone else knows about me now. You should have seen me on old guild; no one knew anything about me. I said I was sixteen, and everyone flipped. I had a short period where I tried to interact with everyone (show my face off) in TC for a while. Since then, people learned what I look like and how old I am. Most of them forgot what I look like. What /should/ you guys know about me? I don't know. I've noticed that I have a core set of traits that represent themselves in different ways when I'm around different people. I can never get it to be consistent, and I always feel like I'm not representing myself properly, so it might be best if I just not try any harder before I make it worse. If I could summarize, I'm a heavy thinker and speaker with a very rough outside and a very soft inside, and I'm fairly laid back. If I had my way, everyone would be happy. P.S. My hair is fucking /fabulous/ P.P.S. Not really