[quote]39. If you got to throw two spammers into a gladiatorial arena and make them fight to the death, who would you pick? Who do you think would win, and why? Would your answer change if they were allowed weapons and armor instead of just brawling with bare hands? 40. Can someone explain spam humor to me? [/quote] @39 Hmmm... I think GenhisMike Vs Guru would make a really good fight. Mike has strength and Guru looks like he'd be more energetic and faster so in the end it'd be Strength vs speed fight... Though Mike can take a hit, added with his daughter on the line (she would live without a father) mike would fight till his last breath while Guru probably wouldn't. With weapons though it'd be a closer fight but I think Guru would win. Sorry mike but speed with a sword > strength with a sword... Either that, or Sherlock vs Sophi. Ban Hammer vs Sherlocked... The Classics vs the new... I think Sophi would win though...maybe... possibly... Idk... HEY SHERLOCK!!!! @40 It varies.