"At least I don't end up in bed poisoned for being too carless and your welcome, Doctor" she said bluntly back before she left. Kana helped him with eating "I see you've lost several people, we are in a similar boat Doctor so we understand, but think of it this way, they are safe and away from harm are they not/" she asked him "That is what we do to rid ourselves of nightmares, those lost will be forever safe, forever at peace and happy" she said softly to him. "Also the detox is most likely not working due to what's in the poison, honestly we found plenty of time lords poisoned by those creatures hers and years ago when we actually lived there" she said to him. Seclusion was sorting out things for the feast that evening, she had problems moving around as easily due to her poor sight in the daylight. She even snuck out to have a nap for a few hours being unable to sleep in the night herself. Waking up she frowned picking up something was wrong hearing a panicked group of her people she called Deadly over before the wolf turned into a scythe. She checked on the Doctor and Kana "Kana stay here, Doctor you as well, you're not fit to move" she warned and Tamar came running in "Monsters are coming!" "Monsters?" she questioned "Not the humans then" she turned and told Tamar to wait with Kana before eh brother got to work getting everyone somewhere safe. She walked out and found the monsters, they were slither. "I've warned you before slither, you are not going to harvest anything here" she snarled at them. Kana meanwhile explained to the Doctor "The Slithen as you know them as, come here quite often now, our wings hold medical properties for some medicine they have, so are worth a lot, and being merchants they have frequently tried to get into the population to steal some of us, due to the fact our wings grow back as well, they are trying to capture the younger ones, Seclusion has been fending them off herself for sometime now, she's the last one of us who can fight properly anymore, the rest of them received near fatal injuries in the last war you see, they have not recovered even years later." she said. "Also one time, they got hold of Tamar and took her wings, reckless as ever she broke into their ship and got her back" she said to him and plucked a feather letting him examine it.