Margo didn't quite know what to think. One moment, she was being forced to the ground and threatened to stay quiet, next she was just laying there with her attacker yards away, unconscious. She had felt a flash of heat, as though her whole body was burning, saw the bright light, and had heard the high wind. Now, everything was at peace, again. She could once again hear the heavy chirps of countless crickets, and the far off barks of a dog somewhere nearby. Slowly blinking, she sat up just enough to get a decent look at the figure who had so mysteriously appeared. Her savior, she presumed. At his words, she hesitated. She eyed his hand, at first unwilling to take it for fear that it was a trick. But, something told her to trust him, at least enough to let him help her up. Nodding, as though to ease her nerves, she took his hand with hers. Her hand shook a bit, fingers trembling as they wrapped around his hand, and her legs buckled just a little as she stood. "Who are you?" She looked the figure up and down, trying to figure out what he was. For all she knew, this was a hallucination - her mind's way of coping with the attack. Or some kind of nightmare. With any luck, she'd soon wake up in her bed.