[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b]???[/b] He'd managed it, at least to a degree. Syed panted a little from the mental exertion. Now, hopefully, the battlefield might be leveled a little. Now to see where the others might b- Something jerked him [i]hard[/i], and he hit his elbow on the rough metallic surface of his cog as he desperately tried to cling onto it. He failed, and was sent falling. Moira's cog had suddenly plummetted through the air much to her somewhat crudely shouted suprise, and it took all she had to stay on the thing. What the fuck?! Did the monster ever tire of playing with them?! He seemed to be getting a lot of enjoyment in reminding them that the realm was his and his alone. Just as suddenly, it stopped and began to rise again. Moira was a little winded as she hit the cog hard, but she instinctively lurched forward with her hand out anyway to grab Syed as he fell after her. An environment like this was doubly dangerous for them - they could very easily drag each other down, especially as the cogs weren't particularly stable. "Come on!" Moira grunted, pulling him up. "Let's smack the fucker!" "It's not that simple is it? Nothing's working!" Syed panted, finally spotting the others below. The monster seemed to be focusing on them, they were certainly getting the brunt of it all. Please be okay please be okay...! "Moira..." he turned his head slightly to look sideways at her. It could only concentrate on so much at once, surely. "I think it's time for you to do what you do best." "Don't need to tell me twice," Moira smirked. And as soon as their cog was level with the others, she leapt forward with a scream, sword primed and ready to smack the fucker. Cogs and gears span gave away all around them and threatened to send them plummeting once more. As she closed in, there was a brilliant flash as Syed threw a powerful bolt of electricity at it. All he needed to do was stun it, try and get it's attention... What he got was a horrible chorus of children screaming. His knees buckled right under him and he fell to the floor, clapping his hands over his ears in a desperate attempt to block it out. His magic was sure enough responding to his distress, sending out flashing arcs in every direction. No no no no no no no not again not again! They were still close enough, just about. Moira could see another face forming in it's horrible patchwork body, and she was certainly not in the mood to find out what that was supposed to be. So with a yell, she drove her sword right at it...