3. Who isn't Lucian? [indent]Me.[/indent] 4. Why does nat have so many shitty clones? [indent]Idiots new to spam see Nat posting stupid shit, and nothing else. Nat is like a seed crystal in a saturated solution.[/indent] 5. Why is sherlock a shitty mod? [indent]This is easy: Because you're a whining bitch who deserved to get banned.[/indent] 6. Is sherlock a shitty nat clone? [indent]No.[/indent] 7. Where are you why aren't you on [indent]World of Tanks. Deviant Art. Facebook. Outdoors taking pictures. Editting photos.[/indent] 8. Is spam the tumor inside RPG? [indent]Yes[/indent] 11. Does anyone rememeber code guru? The non shitty mod guru. [indent]Not really. All I know is he existed.[/indent] 12. What is the meaning of life, and how the hell would you know? [indent]Don't know. Don't care. Figure it out for yourself princess.[/indent] 16. So I don't get it, is Elendra a man or a woman? [indent]Does it matter?[/indent] 17. I have some questions for all spammers. Who is your favorite person in Spam? Who do you wish would post more often? Who would you consider having a romantic relationship with? [indent]A: Tripz, Drago, Drakel, Jorick, Toellner, Holmes, Nargle. B: Idle, Bea, Bela, Kuro, and some other twits. My alzheimers is catching up. C: No one.[/indent] 20. This one is open to anyone to answer. Fuck, Marry, Kill, all people in Spam available as answers, who would you pick for each one? [indent]Fuck: Noxi. She'd keep it one night only. Marry: No one. Kill: Larfleeze.[/indent] 21.Would you rather fight 100 duck sized ducks, or 1 horse sized horse? [indent]Horse.[/indent] 25. Spam Mod Nominees - what makes you think you'd be a good mod? [indent]The simple fact I don't want it, but would do it if it was needed of me. Maybe the fact I just can't give a shit one way or the other, about the majority of people on this site, and would thus be relatively unbiased.[/indent] 28. If you had to be stuck in a room with another spammer for 5 years, and then after that time was up you had to kill them, who would you pick and why? Also, don't be a bitch, no equivocation about not killing them, follow the hypothetical mandates you little shit. [indent]Turt. Not sure if we'd last five years though. Probably run through a good chunk of interesting conversations befroe we hit year two, before mutual decision that only one of us is allowed to live.[/indent] 32. Question for oldfags: which of the new spammers (those who first showed up after Guildfall) do you like the most? [indent]II wouldn't know. Those who haven't pissed me off, I haven't bothered remembering.[/indent] 39. If you got to throw two spammers into a gladiatorial arena and make them fight to the death, who would you pick? Who do you think would win, and why? Would your answer change if they were allowed weapons and armor instead of just brawling with bare hands? [indent]HeySeuss and Toellner. No assumptions or preconceptions. I just think that fight would be fucking balls out amazing to watch.[/indent] 40. Can someone explain spam humor to me? [indent]If you can't figure it out yourself, you will never get it, you don't deserve to get it, and you probably don't want to get it.[/indent] Done.