Just to Prove how Truly Eclectic the Goddesses tastes Are an HP character For your Viewing •Name: Selini Aimafotia •Age: 11 •Gender: Female •House: Slytherin •Magical Heritage: Pureblood •Appearance: [HIDER=Selí̱ni̱][IMG]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/266/8/2/slytherin_pride_by_sango5433-d4aqsxj.jpg[/IMG][/HIDER] •Back story: Selí̱ni̱ is the only child of Kardiá Aimafo̱tiá a widowed witch an maker of potions and antidotes. Selí̱ni̱i has no friends as her mother is a very private woman giving rise to rumors that she is either an ex-deatheater in hiding, a were creature or a poison maker. Schooled at home and rarely if ever seen outside she is an enigma to any that meet her. Those that know her mother an do business with her would be surprised to find that Kardiá even has a child. •Personality: Quiet and brooding Selí̱ni̱i is intelligent and observant. She trusts only herself and really could careless which house she's stuck with so long as she can begin to practice magic. She's a bit of a slob about her personal appearance but obsessive about her tools and books. •Personal Items: Wand : 7 1/4 inches long made of Black Hemlock with a natural spiral caused by a strangling vine. It's core is a Troll whisker Apothecary case : bigger on the inside than the outside an given to her by her mother this case contains several hundred small vials of raw materials for creating potions among other things •Special gifts and abilities: Potions prodigy