[quote=Melkor] Had a thought: wouldn't there be radioactive fall out? Shouldn't our characters wear radiation suits? [/quote] Most of the bombs that were dropped were not nuclear. Lots of napalm and heavy load, the military's goal was to kill the zombies, not destroy the entire world. It also may have something to do with the fact that they got overrun pretty fast but meh. That said, the mississippi river/area is completely irradiated, but that is a later mission. Right now we're gonna hit that camp (figure a small amount of defenses, a few buildings and some tents. A few barricades and some mounted guns, but they're empty. The base got overrun after all. --- I'm gonna wait for Gravity, Wer, and dadrummer to post before I send in another. The Heli will arrive at the thirty minute mark. Vehicles are in high demand with the apocalypse and all. Also I see a few things related to Vex. BeastMode, I would have liked if you consulted me before attempting to have Destroyer and Vex friends. I dislike starting things like this off with someone I barely know as a character's acquaintance. Eh, we might as well run with it, just consult other people before you throw things that tie your character to theirs. Doc's good. Clean House was a large operation so we may have seen eachother. Maybe even worked together, an such. Talk to me if you want, I am surprised to see a doctor on an extermination operation. ---- Sounds aboutright for now.