"Yeah I dont think this is going to be easy, Last time with Hawkeye a whack to the head solved it, but not sure if Loki's made it harder this time." He could see Fandral's denile about Hogun. "It is true." He frowned he didn't like it either. He could see Loki was merely amused by all of this "I don't know where Lady Sif is, but I am sure Loki would have got her too. He may have got you had you not been away, or he didn't try to soon as you were back to see how you would deal with this." Really the god of thunder had no idea what was going on in Loki's crazy mind. He had hoped that Loki would have stopped all this, But he supposed his brother would never change. But he still held out hope. The god of mischief smirked "Oh ? because I can, and Its quite amusing to see you too confused and upset at why your good friends would turn on you, " Loki laughed darkly. It was all a fun game to him. He looked ready to walk off. He smirked "Good luck with that." He was sure they wouldn't stop him so easily. Thor was looking at Fandral. He knew it needed to be done. But he didn't think it was going to be easy. "I fear its not going to be that simple." He was sure they needed a better plan. Loki smirked , he knew what they didn't.