Name: Zerenis (Jack of Clubs) Gender: Male Appearance: His attire resembles that of the Jack of Clubs off a playing card, with a few notable differences; His attire is mostly black with purple accents, and he is pale skinned with long, jet black hair and purple eyes. Tattooed on the back of his hands are the symbol of clubs. Arcana: Strength Power: If he feels that the odds are stacked against him, he'll respond in turn by amplifying the force of his blows by channeling purple flames across his arms and legs, drastically increasing his striking power. Weapons: His bare hands and feet. Personality: Zerenis prides himself upon his strength of body. He believes that the best weapon you should hone is yourself. He cares little for weapons, choosing to fight with punches and kicks over blades and bullets. He despises being underestimated above all else, simply because he's unarmed. That's not to say he's entirely without mercy, but he will only show this mercy one time. Persona Name: Titan Persona Appearance: [hider=Titan][img=][/hider] Persona Skills: Skull cracker, Gigantic Fist, Assault Dive Character Relevance: Emphasising Zerenis' belief in strength of body, Titan adds more options for Zerenis in a fight. He doesn't seem that keen on Titan having a sword, but, in his own words, "You get what you're given."